| ![]() MIL-S-62095C(AT)
* 3.2.6 Accessibility. The design of the vehicle and optional equipment shall permit access for
routine servicing and shall permit access for replacement and adjustment of component parts and
accessories with minimal disturbance of other components and systems.
* 3.2.7 Lubrication. Lubrication means shall be provided for all parts of the semitrailer
normally requiring lubrication. Where the use of high lubricating pressure will damage grease
seals or other parts, fittings with pressure release shall be used.
* 3.2.8 Safety. All equipment or exposed portions of the equipment which are subject to
extreme temperatures and inclement weather and all rotating or reciprocating parts which are of
such a nature or so located as to become a hazard to operating personnel shall be insulated, fully
enclosed, or properly guarded. A sign shall be attached in a suitable location near the discharge
line(s), with a minimum of 50 mm (2-inch) high letters, stating: "WATER IS NOT FIT FOR
DRINKING." The sign shall conform to
* 3.2.9 Radio interference suppression. The engine on type I forced discharge semitrailers
shall be suppressed to limit electromagnetic radiation in accordance with SAE J551.
* 3.3 Performance. The semitrailer shall evidence no part failure, deformation, permanent set
or interference between parts when towed, both empty and when loaded as specified in 3.4:
(a) At speeds as great as 32 kilometers per hour (km/h) (20 miles per hour (mph)) over
unimproved roads and reasonably hard uneven terrain;
(b) At speeds as great as 97 km/h (60 mph) over improved roads; and
(c) At speeds as great as 16 km/h (10 mph) on 10 percent side slopes on unimproved
roads and reasonably hard uneven terrain.
3.3.1 Turning ability. The semitrailer shall be capable of assuming a 90-degree angle to a
truck tractor without cramping or damage to the semitrailer or the truck tractor.
3.3.2 Tracking ability. The semitrailer shall conform to the tracking ability requirements of
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation 393.70(a) when operated under the conditions specified
in 3.3.
* 3.3.3 Service brakes. The service brakes shall control, decelerate and stop the
semitrailer-tractor combination, with the semitrailer loaded with specified payload, within the
stopping distance requirements of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation 393.52.
Requirements shall be met with a truck tractor loaded to its full rated gross vehicle weight
(GVW) and gross combination weight (GCW).
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