| ![]() MIL-S-62095C(AT)
provisions for flushing, draining, and ventilating through fixed louvers. The cabinets shall be
stormproof. Each cabinet shall be provided with a light. Racks or shelves for stowing the
discharge hose shall be provided. Cabinet doors. The cabinet doors shall be side-hung and equipped with hinges.
The hinges shall have stainless steel hinge pine and stainless steel, bronze, nylon, or nylon insert
sockets. The cabinet doors shall be provided with rubber bumpers and door retainers for keeping
the doors in full open position when required. The doors shall have latches and locking handles,
keyed alike.
3.15.10 Hose tubes. Stainless steel hose tubes of the dimensions required to stow the intake
hose specified in 3.15.11 shall be provided in a convenient location on the tank body. The hose
tubes shall have drainage provisions and a removable cover at the front to facilitate cleaning.
Locking devices shall be provided on each tube cover, keyed the same as the cabinet doors.
* 3.15.11 Intake (suction) hose. Four lengths of intake suction hose, each not less than
4570 mm (15 feet) in length and 75 mm (3 inches) in inside diameter (id) shall be furnished.
Hoses shall withstand handling and usage in ambient air temperatures between +570 Celsius (C)
(+135 degrees Fahrenheit (F)) and -40C (-40F). One male and one female coupling shall be
furnished on each length of hose and shall be of the quick disconnect cam-locking type. The
suction hose shall be stowed in the hose tubes.
* 3.15.12 Discharge hose. Three lengths of single jacket discharge hose, each 7600 mm
(25 feet) in length and 64 mm (2.5 inches) id, shall be furnished. Hoses shall withstand handling
and usage in ambient air temperatures between +57C (+135F) and -40C (-40F). One male
and one female coupling shall be furnished on each length of hose and shall be of the quick
disconnect cam-locking type. Discharge hose shall be stowed on racks or shelves in the side
cabinet (see 3.15.9).
3.15.13 Piping. All piping shall be of not less than 89 mm (3.5 inch) nominal diameter.
Piping shall have long sweep bends and shall be installed to resist vibration without failure. All
threads shall be of the American National standard pipe thread series.
3.15.14 Gage. A float type water gage shall be provided at the rear, near the curbside of the
semitrailer. The gage shall be calibrated in both increments of 500 L and in increments of
100 gallons and shall indicate the actual volume of water in the tank within 378 L (100 gallons).
The sight cylinder shall be of the transparent Plexiglas type material and shall be protected against
breakage. Valves shall be provided to seal off the gage in the event of gage failure or
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