| ![]() MIL-S-62469(AT)
the contractor, the contractor shall 100% inspect 20 consecutive trailers to establish a process
average (see 6.4), to allow normal sampling in accordance with MIL-STD-105. Quality conformance examination by sampling. Each trailer selected by sampling for
final inspection shall be inspected by the contractor utilizing the final inspection record to verify
conformance of produced trailers to the requirements of this specification and applicable
drawings. Examinations shall be performed against the classification of defects and AQLs
specified in tables V and VI. Quality conformance testing by sampling. Each trailer selected by sampling for final
inspection shall be operated for a distance of not less than 10 miles by the contractor. Trailers
shall be completely assembled and serviced prior to road test. Performance of trailers shall be
demonstrated without payload at the place of manufacture on a smooth hard-surfaced road.
4.5.5 Unclassified defects. All defects that have no effect on function, safety,
interchangeability, or life, but that are considered departures from good workmanship, shall be
noted in writing. Workmanship deficiencies falling within this category and recurring in five
consecutive lots, or ten lots or more within a thirty-day period, will be added to the minor defects
classification with no increase in AQLs.
4.5.6 Recurring deficiencies. Recurring major deficiencies. A major deficiency (see 6.5) is recurring when the same
defect occurs more than once in the same sample lot or when the defect occurs in two successive
sample lots. A major defect may be considered recurring when inspection records reflect such a
condition. Recurring major deficiencies shall be cause for the entire lot or lots to be inspected for
the recurring deficiencies. The deficiencies shall be corrected by the contractor when found. Recurring minor deficiencies. A minor deficiency (see 6.5) is recurring if it occurs
more than twice in the same sample lot or when the defect occurs in four successive samples or
lots. Recurring minor deficiencies shall be cause for the entire lot or lots to be inspected for the
recurring deficiencies and correction shall be accomplished prior to acceptance.
4.5.7 Failure of sampled inspection vehicles. If any trailer fails to pass examination or test
( and, the Government shall withhold acceptance of all trailers till evidence has
been provided by the contractor that corrective action has been taken to correct deficiencies.
Contractor shall revert to 100% inspection as defined in 4.5.3, until satisfactory evidence of
correction has been provided by the contractor to the Government.
4.6 Control tests. Control tests for maintaining control of manufacturing operations shall be
conducted by the contractor as specified herein (see table IV).
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