| MIL-S-63348A(AR)
unserviceable part, they shall not be counted against the
submachinegun provided they occurred within the previous 200 rounds
of firing. Malfunctions determined not to be chargeable to the
submachinegun as a result of failure analysis shall be verified by
the Government representative witnessing the test and shall not be
counted (6.5).
2. One unserviceable part other than those specified shall be
allowed in the test and shall be subject to the judgement of the
Government representative that the failure does not present an unsafe
condition or a defective condition which is prevalent throughout the
lot of items involved.
3. Other malfunctions includes, but is not limited to: failure to
immediately stop firing when the trigger is released (uncontrolled
* 4. Minimum life rounds is defined as the minimum service life of
an individual part, whether it is the original part or a replacement
part, expressed in the number of weapon rounds fired with the part
assembled in the weapon. For example, a bolt failing prior to
firing 5,000 rounds on a new submachinegun, has not met the minimum
life rounds. The failure shall be recorded and shall be cause for
test failure.
5. The allowable number of unserviceable parts shown for 4
submachineguns combined applies only to parts failing after the
minimum life rounds have been fired on the weapon. For example,
extractor spring failing at 4500 rounds on one submachinegun, and at
4100 rounds on a second submachinegun, fall within the allowable
limits of 3 unserviceable parts on 4 submachineguns combined;
however, failure of 17 more parts, whose minimum life rounds are
within those specified, exceeds the allowance for total
unserviceable parts combined, and shall be cause for test failure.
6. Each individual submachinegun tested shall not exceed the
allowable number for each malfunction in the list or the test shall
have failed. When the submachinegun meets the individual allowable
malfunctions and exceeds the cumulative total allowable malfunctions
for a submachinegun, the test shall have failed. The combined four
submachineguns test shall not exceed the allowable number for each
malfunction in the list or the test shall have failed. When the
submachineguns met the combined four submachineguns allowable
malfunctions in the list and exceed the cumulative total allowable
malfunctions for four submachineguns, the test shall have failed.
This same principle applies to the two submachinegun list.
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