| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR) Creep. The weapon shall also be manually tested to
assure that
the trigger pull is free of creep (see 3.4.2) and that the trigger
returns under spring action to its normal forward position after
partial or complete trigger pull.
4.7.4 High-pressure resistance test. This test shall be
performed during individual weapon testing in accordance with Table
III, using a Government approved fixture for holding the bolt and
barrel assembly. Cartridge cases. One (1) high-pressure test cartridge
(see 3.4.3) shall be fired in each bolt and barrel assembly. Unless
otherwise specified, the bolt and barrel assembly shall be tested
After proof firing, cartridge cases shall be examined for bulges,
splits, rings, and other defects caused by defective chambers of the
barrel assembly. Magnetic particle inspection of barrel assembly. The
barrel assembly shall be magnetic particle inspected in accordance
with MIL-I-6868 utilizing a current of 400 to 500 amperes for
circular continuous magnetization. The barrel assembly shall be
examined for evidence of cracks, seams, and other injurious defects.
* Magnetic particle inspection of bolt carrier assembly.
The bolt, bolt carrier, cam pin, and extractor shall be magnetic
particle inspected in accordance with MIL-I-6868, These parts shall
be examined for evidence of cracks, seams, and other injurious
defects. Marking.
Proof marks and magnetic particle inspection
marks shall be applied on barrel assemblies and bolts that have
passed this test;
4.7.5 Function firing. This test shall be performed
during individual weapon testing in accordance with Table III, and
shall be accomplished with the weapons held in a Government approved
firing stand. The ammunition used on this test shall be as
specified in 3.4.4. Lubrication. The weapons shall be prepared for firing
using lubricant in accordance with MIL-L-46000. Apply a light coat
of oil to all surfaces of the bolt carrier group. Apply one drop of
oil in each hole on the right side of the bolt carrier and in the
open end of the bolt carrier key.
(Do not apply excessive oil in
the bolt firing pin recess.)
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