| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR) Pre-firing. The weapon shall be given a pre-firing
examination to assure that no safety hazard exists. Firing procedure. The selector level of the weapon
shall be set in "SAFE" position and shall be checked to assure that
the weapon cannot be fired. Cyclic rate of fire.
The selector. lever shall be set
on "AUTO" for automatic firing. The
cyclic rate of fire measurement
shall be taken by firing a 30-round
continuous burst. The cycljc
rate of fire shall be measured using
a Government approved
timing gage and shall be recorded. Interrupted burst firing. Not more than three
minutes after completion of the above, the weapon shall be fired
using a fully loaded 30 round magazine in six (6) bursts of
approximately five (5) rounds each. No magazine shall be used more
than once. Failure of the weapon to stop firing during the
interrupted burst firing upon release of the trigger shall be cause
for rejection and recorded as a malfunction. Magazine ejection. Manually examine function of
magazine catch and visually examine function of bolt catch in
assisting magazine ejection.
Depressing of magazine catch button
shall cause the magazine assembly to be ejected, with spring assist
from bolt catch, without binding, Malfunctions not attributable to the weapon.
Malfunctions that are not attributable to weapons as a result of
failure analysis and verified by the Government representative shall
not be counted against the weapon; however, such malfunctions shall
be recorded. Recording of data.The following data shall be
a. Number of weapons tested and number of weapons rejected
per lot.
b. Test date.
c. Ammunition lot number.
d. For each weapon that fails, record the following data:
1. Serial number
2. Type of malfunction or failure (see 6.5).
3. Class of malfunction (see 6.5.5).
4. Round number at which failure occurred.
5. Type of firing (Burst or automatic).
6. Round number of magazine at which failure occurred.
e . Ammunition defect.
1. Weapon in which ammunition defect occurred.
2. Description of defect.
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