| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR) Unknown cause malfunctions. When the cause of the
malfunction cannot be determined, the contractor shall provide the
Government representative with objective evidence of the results of
this analysis. Upon concurrence of the Government representative,
the contractor shall retest an additional sample of two weapons for
the endurance test requirements. Failure of the additonal two
weapons to pass endurance test requirements shall be reason for the
contractor to determine failure cause. If cause of retest failure
cannot be determined, technical assistance-shall be requested
through normal contractual channels. Known cause malfunctions. When the cause of the
malfunction can be determined, the contractor shall make a
determination as to the seriousness of the cause. The contractor,
in addition, shall provide the Government
representative with objective evidence of his determination. When the malfunction cause is classified as class I
(see 6.5.5), as verified by the Government representative, the
Government representative shall select, from the represented lot, an
additional sample in accordance with MIL-STD-105, General Inspection
Level II, Table IIA, at an Acceptable Quality Level of 0.65. This
sample shall be inspected by the contractor for the weapon
non-conformance determined to be the cause.
a. If the additional sample is rejected, the contractor
shall examine and correct all weapons in the represented
lot and institute corrective action in the manufacturing
processes and associated quality control procedures to
preclude recurrence of the cause and to assure that
materiel containing similar defects is purged from the
prime and vendor facilities. The contractor, upon
completion of the preceding, shall resubmit the
*reconditioned lot for endurance test as specified in
Table IV. Weapons reconditioned by parts replacement
shall be retested in accordance with Table III prior to
resubmittal for endurance testing.
b. If the additional sample is accepted, the Government
representative shall select a second sample of two
weapons for the endurance test as specified in Table lV. Class II and III malfunctions. When malfunction
cause is classified in class II or III (see 6.5.5), the contractor
shall examine and correct all weapons in the lot and institute
corrective action in the manufacturing processes and associated
quality control procedures to preclude recurrence of the cause and
to assure. that materiel containing similar defects is purged from
both the prim and vendor
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