| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR)
or vendor facilities. The contractor, upon completion of the
preceding, shall resubmit the reconditioned Jot for the endurance
test specified in Table IV. Weapons reconditioned by parts
replacement shall be retested in accordance with prior
to resubmittal for endurance testing. Acceptable parts. Upon identification of the cause
of failure, acceptance of product may be resumed on those components
(repair parts) which have been determined.to meet contract
requirements and did not contribute to the failure. Disposition of endurance tested weapons. Disposition
of endurance tested weapons shall be as specified in the contract
(see 6.1).
4.7.9 Packaginq test. Determination of cleanliness. The applicable surfaces
of each sample unit (except for barrel bores and chambers) shall be
subjected to the determination of cleanliness test specified in
MIL-P-116, except that the wipe test shall not be applicable to
parts with black oxide or anodized protective coating. Barrel bores
and chambers shall be wipe tested for cleanliness using clean white
bore cleaning swabs and the degree of cleanliness shall be verified
by comparison of test swabs with standard swab samples provided by
the contracting officer.
* 4.8.0 High temperature test. This test shall be performed in
First Article testing after completion of tests a through g.
The weapons and ammunition shall be conditioned at 1550F + 50F
for a minimum of four hours prior to firing. Each weapon shall be
fired from inside the conditioning chamber in 100 round groups with
two hour minimum intervals between groups. Each 100 round group
shall consist of 30 rounds fired in bursts of 5 to 7 rounds, 30
rounds fully automatic, 30 rounds in bursts and 10 rounds automatic.
A total of 12 groups or 1200 rounds shall be fired per weapon.
After every 600 rounds fired, clean and lubricate the weapon.
Failure to meet the requirements of paragraph 3.4.7 shall constitute
rejection of the First Article sample.
4.8.1 Low temperature test. This test shall be performed in
First Article testing after the completion of tests a through g.
Lubrication of the weapon shall be as specified in TM9-1OO5-3O9-1O.
The weapons and ammunition shall be conditioned at minus 500F -
50F for a minimum of 6 hours prior to firing. The weapons shall be
conditioned in the open bolt position. Each weapon shall be fired
from inside the chamber in 100 round groups with two hour minimum
intervals between groups. Each 100 round group shall consist of 30
rounds fired in bursts of 5 to 7 rounds, 30 rounds
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