| ![]() MIL-S-63348A(AR)
The specification number, paragraph number, and defect number
from Section 4 shall be referenced on each contractor design
together with the component or assembly drawing number, revision
letter and date to which the specific design applies.
6.8.3 Submission of desiqns for approval. Contractor designs
shall be approved by the Government prior to fabricating or
procuring the equipment. Designs shall be submitted for approval in
accordance with the stipulation, time frame and distribution
specified in the Contract Data Requirements List (DD Form 1423) or
in the contract. Partial submission of inspection equipment designs
is permissible and encouraged. However, the completion date for
design review will be based on the date of the final submission
of designs and the required delivery schedule as stipulated in the
contract. The specific segment of ARRADCOM to which the Contractor
designs shall be sent will be DRDAR-QAA-I.
When the contractor submits inspection equipment
designs to the Government for approval he shall give
the following information in his letter of transmittal;
The contract number.
The contract item (name, model number, etc.)
The designs remaining to be submitted and the expected
date of submittal.
The margins of this specification are marked with an asterisk to
indicate where changes (additions, modifications, corrections,
deletions) from the previous issue were made. This was done as a
convenience only and the Government assumes no liability whatsoever
for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and contractors
are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on
the entire content irrespective of the marginal notations and
relationship to the last previous issue.
Preparing Activity:
Project Number: 1005-A612
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