| ![]() MIL-S-71146 (AR)
4.5.6 Leak test.
The cartridges shall be tested for leakage by
submersing them in water (at 70 5F) contained in a vacuum
chamber. `(Eliminate closure switch for leak test.) A vacuum
differential of at least 6 inches of mercury shall be drawn and held
for 30 sec. minimum while observing for air bubbles. A steady
stream or recurring stream from any surface or seam shall constitute
a failure. The cartridges shall be wiped dry prior to functioning.
(Non-Destructive Test)
The ca rtri dges shall be p laced in a
Alternative leak test.
sealed test chamber and the
chambe r pr essurized with 3 to 5 ps i dry
secon ds . Observe pressu re gau ge for
air and held for at least 1
e that fai ls to comply wi th the
pressure drop. Any cartrid
applicable requirements sha
1 cons itut e a failure.
4.5.7 Heat seal of barrier bag. The test shall be performed in
accordance with the procedure specified in MIL-P-116,
After the test, the seal shall be examined for compliance with the
applicable requirements (Destructive Test.)
4.5.8 Vacuum chamber leak test. The test shall be performed in
accordance with the procedure specified in MIL-P-116, Test
samples shall be observed for compliance with the applicable
requirements. (Non-Destructive Test)
5.1 Packaging requirements.
Packaging shall be as specified on
dwg. 9344296 and 344297.
5.2 Packing and marking. Packing and marking shall be as
specified on dwgs. 9344296 and 9344297.
(This section contains information of a general or explanatory
nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.1 Intended use. The components covered by this specification
are intended for use on the Simulator, Launching, Anti-Tank Guided
Missile and Rocket, M22.
6.2 Acquisition requirements.
Acquisition documents must
specify the fol lowing:
Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if
required, the specific issue of individual documents referenced (see
Requirements for submission of first article sample.
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