| ![]() MIL-S-71146 (AR)
6.3 Submission of contractor inspection equipment designs for
ap proval. Submit copies of designs as required to: Commander, U.S.
Army ARDEC, ATTN: SMCAR-QAT-I, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.
This address will be specified-on the Contract Data Requirements
List, DD Form 1423 in the contract.
6.4 Distribution of ammunition data cards. Distribution of
data cards include the foil Owing, Commander, U.S. Army ARDEC, ATTN:
SMCAR-QAT-M, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000.
6.5 Humidity control. pyrotechnic compositions are hydroscopic
materials and will deteriorate rapidly when exposed to moisture. It
is highly desirable that all the ingredients of the simulator be
carefully safe guarded from exposure to moisture and humid
atmosphere. For assurance of the satisfactory loading of the
simulator it is recommended that the blending and loading building
be air conditioned in a manner that will maintain the relative
humidity of the atmosphere below 60%.
6.6 Drawings. Drawings listed in Section 2 of this
specification under the heading U.S. Army Armament, Research,
Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) may also include drawings
prepared by, and identified as U.S. Army Armament, Research and
Development Command (ARRADCOM), Frankford Arsenal, Rock Island
Arsenal or Picatinny Arsenal drawings. Technical data originally
prepared by these activities is now under cognizance of ARDEC.
6.7 subject term (key word) listing.
Bang composition
Closure switch
End plate
Flash composition
Separator disc
Pellet assembly
Preparing activity:
(Project 1370-A341)
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