| ![]() MIL-S-812L5(WP)
4.6.1 Acceptance tests. Visual and mechanical inspection. Shield and holder samples
selected in accordance with 4.4.2 shall be tested for confozmsnce to 3.2,
3.3, 3.6, 3.10, and 3.11. Lot quality shall be judged in accordance with
Standard MIL-STD-105, Inspectim Level II, Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
1.0 percent defective for major defects, plus 2.5 percent defective for
minor defects. Salt spray resistance test. After the shields and.holders
have received the phosphate coating of Specification MIL-P-162, samples
shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection level S-4,
acceptance number zero and subjected to the best of Federal Test Method
Standard No. 151, Method 811.1, for 48 hours. The shields and holders
shall meet the requirements of 3.7.1. Test shields and holders shall not
be reused for other tests, nor shall they be delivered to the Government
as units of production.
4.6.2 Functioning tests. Reproduction sample. From each preproduction lota 55 shield
assemblies, (550 shields and 55 holders), drawing 2164728, shall be delivered
to a Naval-test activity (as designated by the Bureau of Naval Weapons),
for functioning tests (See 6.2). Reduction sample. From each production lot, 15 shield assemblies
(150 shields and 15 holders), drawing 2164728, shall be delivered to a Naval
test activity (as designated by the Bureau of Naval Weapons), for functioning
tests (See 6.2). The functioning tests shall include flight tests (firing shield
equipped ammunition from air-borne Navy aircraft), and bench tests (firing
shield equipped ammunition from bench test mount). The primer shield installation device shall be used for installing
shields onto the links prior to all functioning tests. Bench test. The bench test shall include the following:
(a) One group of shields to be cold conditioned at minus 70 degrees
F for at least two hours immediately prior to test firing; a second group of
shields from the same lot to be hot conditioned at plus 165 degrees F for
at least two hours immediately prior to test firing, and a third group of
shields from the same lot to be conditioned at plus 70 degrees F. Shields
shall be conditioned subsequent to installation onto belted ammunition.
(b) Use of new MARK 2 MODS 0, 1, and 2 links, and MARK 105 TP
rounds of ammunition.
(c) Use of MARK 12, MOD 0, gun equipped with the MARK 7 MOD 2
feed mechanism.
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