| ![]() MIL-S-83427 [USAF)
3.4.1 Metals. Metals shall be corrosion resistance or suitably treated to
resist c-n due to fuels, salt spray, or atmospheric conditions likely to
be met in storage or normal service. Dissimililar metals. Unless suitably protected against electrolytic
corrosion, dissimilar metals shall not be used in intimate contact with each
other. Dissimilar metals are defined in MIL-STD-889.
3.4.2 Nonmetallic materials. The use of nonmetallic materials shall require
approval, by the procuring activity, for the specific application involved. Fiber glass material. If fiber glass material is used in the con-
struction of the basic container, it shall be manufactured in accordance with
the requirements of MIL-P-9400. The fiber glass material shall meet the physical
requirements of table I of this specification and the workmanship requirements
of L-P-383. Glass cloth, if used, shall be preimpregnated cloth. Resins shall be
in accordance with MIL-R-7575 or MIL-R-9300 for polyester resin or epoxy resin,
TABLE I. Physical Properties of Fiber Glass
3.4.3 Protective treatment. If materials that are subject to deterioration
When exposed to climatic and environmental conditions likely to occur during
service usage are used in the construction of the basic container, the materials
shall be protected against such deterioration in a manner that will not in any way
prevent compliance with the performance requirements of this specification, The
usc of any protective coating that will crack, chip, or scale with age or extreme
climatic and environmental conditions shall be avoided,
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