| ![]() MIL-S-83427(USAF) Aluminum parts. All aluminum parts shall be anodized in accordance
with MIL-A-8625. All exposed parts shall be processed after anodizing with a
potassium bichromate seal and dyed a neutral color suitable to the procuring
activity, Steel parts. All steel parts shall be cadmium or zinc plated in
accordance with applicable specifications unless the part is made of corrosion-
resistant steel or has been otherwise protected in accordance with MIL-S-5002.
3.5 Design and construction. Unless otherwise specified herein, the CNU-129(V)l/P
survival kit container and the CNU-129(V)2/P survival kit container shall be
designed and constructed in accordance with U.S.S. Chemicals Div Drawing RP 784-00
and the applicable detail drawings referenced thereon. Unless otherwise specified
herein, the CNU-130/P survival kit container shall be designed and constructed in
accordance with U.S.S. Chemicals Div Drawing RP 785-00 and the applicable detail
drawings referenced thereon, The parachute support [see item 8 of figure 1) shall
conform to MIL-S-83863. The main differences in the survival kit containers are in
the cushions (see 3,6.6) and in the oxygen system provisions. The oxygen system
provisions are applicable to the CNU-130/P survival kit container only and consist
of a mounting plate, a disconnect release cable, support pads, and disconnect
cutouts for the installation of a drop-in oxygen system that conforms to MIL-O-27335.
3.5.1 Operation. The following operations shall be allowed by the survival kit
Removal of the survival kit container from the aircraft for maintenance:
The manual override selector lever of the automatic actuator shall be used as the
safety mechanism of the actuator firing pin during maintenance handling to prevent
accidental automatic operation.
Normal egress from the aircraft after a flight, taking the parachute and
leaving the survival kit container in the aircraft: Disconnection of the survival
kit container, including the parachute deployment sensing cable assembly shall be
made at the parachute accessory rings.
Emergency egress from the aircraft on the ground, in the water, etc:
Operation of the lap belt buckle, will release the man from the seat. The survival
kit container may be removed or may remain in the aircraft based upon the user's
decision. When the survival kit container is to be left in the aircraft, the
emergency release handle shall permit manual actuation of the survival kit con-
tainer to release all connections between the survival kit container and the user
and the parachute. The life raft shall not be actuated. The survival kit con-
tainer dropline attachment fitting shall remain with the portion of hardware
remaining with the survival kit container. The automatic actuator parachute
deployment sensing cable shall separate from the parachute harness automatically
with the right hand attachment strap side release.
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