| ![]() MIL-S-83427 (USAF)
Control cables. The control cables shall be fabricated of cable con-
forming to MIL-W-5424 and shall be tested and prestretched in accordance with
MIL-C-5688. Any control cable adjustments necessary for manufacturing shall be
permanently locked after rigging. The control cables shall be properly in-
stalled. Where necessary to prevent inadvertent actuation or damage to the
control cables by the contents or flexure of the survival kit container, the
control cables shall be enclosed in tubing conforming to MIL-T-8504. All control
cables shall be properly guarded to prevent wearing or fraying during the
continued use of the survival kit container,
Adjustment strap assembly. The adjustment strap assembly shall conform
to Drawing 64C43333 except that green webbing conforming to type VI of MIL-W-4088
shall be used and that the webbing shall be stitched along the perimeter only in
the adjustable portion. The webbing end stop may be furnished in any suitable
design that will prevent pulling of the webbing end through the adjuster and
snagging on the seat but that will permit easy removal and replacement of the
adjustment strap assembly. The strap ends shall be seared to prevent fraying.
Dropline. The dropline to retain the inner container (packed with 35
pounds of survival equipment] and the inflated LRU-6/P one-man life raft to
the individual during parachute descent shall be constructed of 3/4-inch-wide,
natural-color webbing conforming to MIL-W-5625 in accordance with U.S.S. Chemicals
Div Drawing RP 755-32.
Operating handle. The operating handle shall unlock with a pull of
30 pounds (plus or minus S pounds), Unless otherwise specified herein, a maximum
following enviromental conditions:
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