| ![]() MIL-S-83427(USAF)
4.4.2 First article sample and report. The contractor shall subject ten
survival kit containers to the irst article tests specified in 4.4 and shall
test three automatic actuators as specified in 4.4.1. Two survival kit container
shall be used for all the first article tests except for the reliability tests
described under 4.6.14 and the parachute drop test described in 4.6.9. Five
survival kit container's shall be subjected to the reliability testing. TWO
first article samples, tested or untested, and a first article report prepared
in accordance with MIL-STD-831 shall be furnished to the procuring activity
{see 6.2].
4.4.3 Sled tests. If approved by the procuring activity, sled tests in
accordance with MIL-STD-846 may be perfomed in lieu of the static tests
described herein. If the option to use sled tests is requested, the request
shall outline the reasons for the request.
4.4.4 Reliability testing. Four first article samples shall be subjected to
the reliability tests described in One first article Sample shall be
subjected to the reliability tests described in Failure bf the survi-
val kit containers to perform any function during the reliability testing shall
constitute one failure. If failures occur during reliability testing, acceptance
shall be judged as specified in table II. After one failure, direction to either
continue or repeat the test may be given at the option of the procuring activity.
TABLE II Reliability Accept-Reect Criteria Longevity testing. Two of the first article samples that have been
subjected to the reliability tests described in 4.6.14,1 shall be continued
through the longevity test described in Acceptance for the longevity
test shall be judged on the basis of 4.4.4.
4.5 Quality conformance tests. Quality conformance tests shall consist of the
Individual tests
Sampling tests.
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