| ![]() MIL-S-83427(USAF)
4.5.1 Individual tests. Each survival kit container shall be subjected to the
following tests as described under 4.6:
(a) Examination of product
(b) Hardware operation.
4.5.2 Sample tests Lot. A lot for plans A and B shall consist of 100 survival kit con-
tainers, or fraction thereof, manufactured under essentially the same conditions
and submitted for inspection at substantially the same time. A lot for plan C
shall consist of 100 fiber glass basic containers before any assembly of hard-
ware, or fraction thereof, manufactured under essentially the same conditions
and submitted for inspection at substantially the same time, A lot for plan D
shall consist of 100 survival kits, or fraction thereof, in shipping containers
fully prepared for delivery except for the closure of the shipping containers. Plan A. Four survival kit containers shall be selected at random
from each lot and subjected to the following tests as described under 4.6:
Interchangeability of critical parts
(B) Proof loads (see 4.6.5). Reconditioning. After completion of the sampling tests specified for
plan A, the survival kit containers shall be reconditioned, as required, for
delivery as serviceable survival kit containers. Plan B. One survival kit container shall be selected at random from
each lot (up to a maximum of four survival kit containers per contract or purchase
order) and subjected to the lid retention tests described under 4.6.6. Plan C. If the basic container is made of fiber glass material, one
basic container before the assembly of any hardware shall be selected at random
from each lot (up to a maximum of four basic containers per contract or purchase
order) and subjected to the fiber glass container test described in 4.6.7. Plan D. Four shipping containers fully prepared for delivery except
for closure shrill be selected at random from each lot and subjected to the exami-
nation of preparation for delivery described in 4.6.15. Rejection and retest. If one or more items from a lot fail to meet
the specification, acceptance of all items in the lot shall be withheld until
the extent and cause of failure have been determined. The contractor shall ex-
plain fully to the Government representative and notify the procuring activity
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