| ![]() MIL-S-85018A(AS)
fourth output, excited from the second source, shall be electrically isolated
from all other outputs. Analog Pitch and Roll Outputs - One electrically isolated, commonly
excited equivalent synchro output shall be provided for pitch and roll signals. Turn Rate Output - The equipment shall provide a derived rate of
heading output which shall be compatible with current rate of turn indicators. Flight Control Decouple - The equipment shall provide a flight rate
control decouple signal which shall indicate a disengage condition when the
system is operated in the EMERG mode, the SET HDG control is activated in the DG
mode, or when the FAST SYNC function is utilized in the SLAVED mode. System Status Signals - The equipment shall provide status signals
which indicate the validity of the attitude information and the BIT status. Invalid Discrete - The invalid discrete shall indicate an invalid
condition if the system is in the initialization sequence, if the fast erect
function has been activated, or if a failure is detected by BIT. Malfunction Discrete - The malfunction discrete shall indicate a
failed condition for any BIT detected failure.
3.4.5 Modes of Operation - Mode of operation for the system shall be
manually selected by positioning the Mode Selector switch on the Compass
Controller to SLAVED mode, DG mode, or EMERGENCY mode. SLAVED Mode - When the system is operated in the SLAVED mode, the
heading outputs shall provide earth rate compensated, gyroscopically stabilized
magnetic headings. DG Mode - When operated in the DG mode, the equipment shall provide
earth rate corrected Directional Gyro heading. EMERGENCY Mode - When operated in the EMERGENCY mode, the heading
outputs shall be electronically damped and unstabilized magnetic heading.
3.4.6 Acceleration - Internal accelerometer sensors on the gyroscopic
assembly, along with the associated circuitry, shall provide heading slaving
cutoff for acceleration in excess of .07g in either longitudinal or lateral
axis. Heading slaving shall be cut off for an aircraft attitude outside the
envelope of plus or minus 25 degrees in either pitch or roll.
3.4.7 Erection Control - Compensated First Order Operation - The system shall be in a
compensated first order erection mode during the following conditions:
(1) Initial vertical gyro erection sequence.
(2) Invalid discrete signal or data processor software indicating
the velocity reference is unreliable or invalid.
(3) Emergency mode of heading operation.
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