| ![]() MIL-S-85018A(AS) Manually Activated Monitored Functions - The following minimum
functions shall be monitored for detection and isolation upon a manually acti-
vated command:
(1) Compass Transmitter or Detector
(a) Any failure in excitation coil
(b) Any short to ground
(c) Any open leg or lead BITE Reliability Failure - A failure shall be a condition that prevents the
equipments from meeting the operational performance requirements. If certain
failures or tolerance limits are to be considered noncritical and hence not
necessary to be included in BITE tested features, modification of the population
of failures used for BITE performance calculations shall be subject to the
approval of the procuring activity when specified by the contract. BITE Indication Components - Failures within each component of this system
shall be indicated when a failure is detected. System Outputs Synchro Type Format Data Repeaters - There shall be a solid state
synchro type format repeaters as specified herein for each of the three axes.
The synchro type data repeaters shall contain no moving parts and shall not
require adjustment when transferred as interchangeable electronic assemblies. Isolation - Each solid state synchro type format output, except
for one of the heading outputs, shall be electrically isolated from all other
system outputs. Excitation - Attitude and heading outputs shall be excited by
The" excitation voltages shall conform to MIL-STD-704,
115 volt, 400 Hz sources.
Category B. Gradient - Each solid state synchro type format output shall
have a no-load, line-to-line voltage of 11.8 Plus or minus 1.4 volts (rms) with
a phase angle of 9 plus or minus 5 degrees with respect to the excitation phase. Load - The pitch, roll and primary heading synchro outputs
shall be capable driving four control transformers (AY500-5 or equivalent).
The two other isolated heaing outputs shall be capable of driving three control
transformers (AY500-5 or equivalent). The non-isolated heading output shall be
capable of supplying 250 milliampere rms per leg. Short Circuit Protection - The non-isolated heading output
shall be capable of withstanding a continuous short circuit to ground on one or
both legs.
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