| ![]() MIL-S-85018A(AS) Test Accuracy - The accuracy of BITE stimuli and measurements
shall be adequate to preclude false pass/fail indications. BITE shall be de-
signed to prevent fail indications due to primary power transients, switching
transients, pass system operations, and other manual reference system applica-
tion functions. Fault Detection Capability - BITE shall detect and indicate 85
percent of failures of out-of-tolerance conditions in the equipments. These re-
quirements apply to all equipments of the system, including 'compass Detector/
Transmitter failures, when BITE is required for in-flight and on-the-ground
testing. Fault-Isolation Capability - BITE shall isolate at least 85
percent of all detected faults to the faulty weapons replaceable assembly. This
requirement applies when BITE is used for in-flight or on-the-ground fault-
isolation capability and shall be provided to aid in isolation of intermittent
faults. In-flight or on-the-ground isolation provisions shall be mechanized to
prevent unsafe or ambiguous flight conditions. BITE shall not be responsible
for fault isolation ambiguities resulting from open circuits, short. circuits,
and ground in interconnecting harness external to the equipment. BITE shall not
degrade the performance of any equipments of the system. Automatically Monitored Functions - The following minimum
functions shall be monitored for detection and isolation:
(1) Directional Gyro Spin Motor
(2) Vertical Gyro Spin Motor
(3) Outer Roll Servo Loop
(4) Pitch and Roll Torquers
(5) Accelerometers and Erection Amplifiers
(6) Roll Gimbal Servo Motor
(7) Vertical Gyro Gimbal Bearings
(8) Power Supplies
(9) Outer Roll Bearings
(10) Compass Transmitter or Detector Interface
(11) Vertical Gyro Erection Circuits
(12) Pitch, Roll, and Azimuth Output
(13) Initialization Circuits
(14) Mode Selection Switching
(15) Latitude Circuits
(16) Analog and Digital Circuits
(17) Pitch, Roll and Heading Resolvers, etc
(18) Heading Coupler
(19) Memory
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