| ![]() MIL-S-85018A(AS) N-S and E-W (one-cycle) Adjustments - Two adjustments will be
required to compensate for one-cycle error. The degree of compensation speci-
fied herein shall apply for interconnecting lead lengths between the Compass
Transmitter and the Electronic Control Amplifier of up to 200 feet of No. 28
wire. The Compensator shall provide two adjustments with the means to compen-
sate for errors in the cardinal heading signals as produced by the heading sys-
tem, including the compass transmitter signals. One adjustment device shall be
capable of compensating for the N-S transmitter signal error and the other
adjustment device shall be capable of compensating for the E-W transmitter
signal error. They shall be independently adjustable and shall be designed to
have minimum adjustment interference. Compensation shall be provided with less
than .1 degree error. Adjustment Range - With the Compass Transmitter set on O degree
heading, the N-S adjustment shall be capable of changing the output signal plus
or minus 12 degrees to plus or minus 15 degrees in standard field. With the.
Compass Transmitter setting on 90 degrees, the E-W heading shall be capable of
changing the output signal plus or minus 12 degrees to plus or minus 15 degrees
in standard field. A clockwise rotation of each adjustment as specified above
shall cause an increase in the resultant heading signal. N-S and E-W Adjustment Interference - A full-scale rotation of
the E-W adjustment screw shall not influence the system heading output signal by
more than plus or minus 1.5 degrees when the Compass Transmitter is set to a O
degree heading. When the Compass Transmitter is set at a 90 degree heading, a
full-scale rotation of the N-S adjustment screw shall not influence the system
heading output by more than plus or minus 1.5 degrees. Two-Cycle Adjustments and Range - A minimum of two adjustments
shall be provided for two-cycle compensations. The cardinal and intercardinal
adjustments shall have an adjustment range from plus or minus 2 degrees to plus
or-minus 4 degrees. Compensator Function - Means shall be provided to compensate for
index, one cycle, and two cycle errors. The potentiometers shall be of the
multi-turn type, `and shall be mounted with the adjustment screws immediately
behind the removable cover. The Compensator shall also include a fast swing
switch, which, when activated, shall reduce the heading coupler time constant to
ease compass calibration. Weight - The weight of the Compass Compensator shall not exceed .5
pound. Form Factor - The Compensator shall have a volume not exceeding 18
cubic inches. The form factor shall conform to Figure 11.
3.6 Design Data - No data is required by this specification (other than
reports accompanying samples submitted for testing) or by applicable documents,
unless specified in the contract or order (see Paragraph 6.2).
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