| ![]() MIL-S-85018A(AS)
4.2.4 Production Equipments - Equipments supplied under the contract shall
in all respects, including design, construction, workmanship, performance and
quality, be equivalent to the approved preproduction sample. Each equipment
shall be capable of successfully passing the same tests imposed on the prepro-
duction sample. Evidence of noncompliance with the above shall constitute cause
for rejection and for equipment already accepted by the Government or the
procurement activity, it shall be the obligation of the contractor to make
necessary corrections as approved by the procuring activity.
4.3 Initial Production Tests - Requirements for initial production tests
shall be satisfied by preproduction (First Article) tests as described in
Paragraph 4.2.
4.4 Acceptance Tests - The contractor shall furnish all samples and shall
be responsible for accomplishing the acceptance tests. All inspection and test-
ing shall be under the supervision of the procurement activity or the Government
Contractors not having adequate facilities for conducting all
required tests shall engage the service of a commercial testing laboratory
acceptable to the procuring activity. The contractor shall furnish test reports
showing quantitative results, sample and reliability assurance tests in a format
acceptable to the procuring activity. Such reports shall be signed by an
authorized representative of the contractor or laboratory, as applicable.
Acceptance or approval of material during the course of manufacture shall not be
construed as a guarantee of the acceptance of the finished product. Acceptance
tests shall consist of the following:
(1) Individual Tests
(2) Sampling Tests
(3) Reliability Assurance Tests
(4) Special Tests
4.4.1 Individual Tests - Each equipment submitted for acceptance shall be
subjected to the individual tests. These tests shall be adequate to determine
compliance with the requirements of material, workmanship, operational adequacy
and reliability. As a minimum, each equipment accepted shall have passed the
following tests.
(1) Examination of Product
(2) Operational Test
( Examination of Product - Each equipment shall be examined carefully
to determine that the material and workmanship requirements have been met. Operational Test - Each equipment shall be operated long enough to
permit the equipment temperature to stabilize and to check all characteristics
and record all data to assure satisfactory equipment operation.
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