| MIL-S-85018A(AS) Vibration Test - A vibration test shall be conducted in
accordance with MIL-STD-81OC, Method 514.2, Category C for equipment mounting _
configuration without vibration isolators. Shock Test - A shock test shall be performed in accordance with
MIL-T-5442. Humidity Test - A humidity test shall be performed in accordance
with MIL-T-5422. Salt Fog Test - A salt fog test shall be performed in accordance
with MIL-T-5422. Explosion Test - An explosion test shall be performed in
accordance with MIL-T-5422. Acoustical Noise Test - An acoustical noise test shall be
performance in accordance with MIL-STD-810 and Paragraph of this
specification. Sand and Dust Test - A sand and dust test shall be conducted in
accordance with MIL-T-5422. Fungus Test - A fungus test shall be performed in accordance with
MIL-T-5422. Temperature Shock Test - A temperature shock test shall be
performed in accordance with MIL-T-5422. Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility Test - An electro-
magnetic interference/compatibility test shall be performed in accordance with
MIL-STD-461 and 3.3.6 according to measurement procedures defined by
MIL-STD-462. Reliability Development Test - Reliability development testing
shall be performed In accordance with MIL-STD-2068(AS) utilizing a minimum of
ten (10) equipments. Test duration shall be 20,000 hours. Test Level E per
MIL-STD-781 shall be used except that the temperature extremes shall be +55C
and -44C and the vibration .5g. The equipment utilized shall be refurbished by
the manufacturer and the disposition shall be in accordance with the contract. Maintainability Demonstration - Maintainability Demonstration shall
be in accordance with MIL-STD-471 except as specified herein. Maintainability
Demonstration shall be performed on a minimum of three selected pairs. The
tasks to demonstrate maintainability shall be selected in advance of timing the
tasks and shall be approved by the procuring activity.
4.2.3 Preproduction (First Article) Approval - Approval of the pre-
production sample shall be by the procuring activity upon satisfactory comple-
tion of all tests. Any configuration changes resulting from the preproduction
tests shall be incorporated into previously delivered equipment in accordance
with the contractor support agreement with the procuring activity.
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