| ![]() MIL-S-85419 (AS)
Starter/APU, Aircraft Engine Gas
Turbine Type
Specification: MIL-S-85419 (AS)
Manufacturer's part number
Manufacturer's serial number
Government order to contract number
National Stock Number
Complete the part number
6.1 Intended Use. The starter/APU covered by this specification
are intended for use in starting the F402-RR-404 and F402-RR-405
engines in the AV-8B aircraft.
6.2 Ordering Data.
Contracts or orders should
6.2.1 Procurement Requirements.
specify the following:
Title, number, and date of this specification.
Part number.
The levels of preservation, packaging, and packing (see
Section 5).
6.3 Model Specification Preparation. A complete model
specification conforming to the instructions for preparation
contained herein shall be prepared and submitted by the supplier
for approval by NAVAIR (AIR-536).
The model specification
6.3.1 Instructions for Preparation.
shall be prepared as follows:
a. The headings and numbering of sections and paragraphs
shall correspond to those of this specification.
b. Paragraphs herein which are applicable as written shall
be copied into the specification. Any change, addition or
deletion shall be identified by placing an identifying mark or
symbol in the margin.
c. Paragraphs herein which are not applicable to the
particular starter/APU design shall have the words "not
applicable" entered following the appropriate paragraph number
and headings.
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