| ![]() MIL-T-18847C(AS)
3.4.1 Metals. Metals used in this tanker its components shall be of the
corrosion-resisting type or suitably treated to resist corrosion in fuels,
salt spray, or atmospheric conditions during the service life of the tank when
in storage or in normal service use. Dissimilar metals. Dissimilar metals as defined in MIL-STD-889
shall not be used in intimate contact with each other unless suitably
protected against electrolytic corrosion.
3.5 General characteristics.
3.5.1 Design. External auxiliary fuel tanks shall be designed to carry
fuel satisfactorily, without any leakage, under the conditions of Installation,
vibration, temperature, pressure, and loadings (including accelerations of
flight maneuvers, catapult take-off, and arrested landings) peculiar to the
appicable aircraft. The fuel and air systems shall be designed to function
satisfactorily under the foregoing conditions. All tanks shall be so designed
that they shall be readily removable or jettisonable from the aircraft.
Suspension provisions shall comply with the requirements of MIL-A-8591.
The contractor shall provide a design stress Design analysis.
analysis report of the tank in accordance with MIL-A-8868, sixty days prior to
initiation of the first article tests. One copy of the report shall be
forwarded to the Commander, Naval Air Systems Command (AIR-53031, Washington,
DC 20361-5300, for approval, and one copy to the Commander, Naval Air
Development Center (Code 6013), Warminster, PA 18974-5000, for information. Drawings. Drawings and associated lists shall be prepared in
accordance with DOD-D-1OOO Level III. Drawing submittal shall be in
accordance with the data requirements of the contract. Capacity. The usable capacity of the tank shall be not less than
specified nor more than 110 percent of that specified. Sufficient gross
capacity shall be provided to allow for expansion of fuel, but the gross
capacity shall be not more than 115 percent of the specified capacity.
3.5.1 .3.1 Usable fuel. The usable fuel shall be in accordance with the
tank gallon size specified in the contract.
3.5.1 .3.2 Unusable fuel. The tank shall have a maximum of 1 percent
unusable fuel of the total usable fuel.
The tank shall have a maximum of one pint of
3.5.1 .3.3 Undrainable fuel.
undrainable fuel.
3.5.1. 3.4 Expansion space. The tank shall have an expansion space
equivalent to 5 percent of the total usable fuel. Weight. The completely assembled empty tank weight shall be
designed to create the lightest weight tank.
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