| ![]() MIL-T-21369C(OS) Continuity between pin V of adapter cables connector PI and pin N of adapter cables
connector P2. The D.C. resistance between pin V of the 19-pin connector, P1, and the 14-pin
connector, P2, shall not exceed 0.15 ohm. Continuity between pin B of test stand connector and ground The resistance between
pin B of the Test Stand connector and ground shall not exceed 0.15 ohm, when the TEST switch
is not operated VOLTAGE AND LEAKAGE meter circuit, meter by passed. With a jumper connected
between the terminals of the VOLTAGE AND LEAKAGE meter, the test set energized and the
TEST SELECTOR switch at position 2, the test set shall successfully meet the requirements of and Continuity between pins A and C of ADAPTER CABLES connector, P3. With the
NO LOAD-LOAD switch at the LOAD position, the resistance between pin A and pin C of the
3-pin ADAPTER CABLES connector, P3, shall remain 0.15 ohm or less for about 5 minutes (see
33.1.21) after the START switch is momentarily depressed. Continuity between pins B and C of adapter cables connector, P3. The resistance
between pin B and pin C of the 3-pin ADAPTER CABLES connector, P3, shall remain 0.30 ohm
or less for about 5 minutes (see after the start switch is momentarily depressed. Continuity through self controlled rotary switch, REL-X. With the test set energized
and the TEST SELECTOR switch set at 1, the resistance between pin V of ADAPTER CABLES
connector PI and each contact listed by table IV (see for both positions of the NO
LOAD-LOAD switch shall not exceed 0.15 ohm. Continuity through the ON-OFF switch. ON position. When the ON-OFF switch is at the ON position the red pilot lamp PL
15 shall light, remain LIT for the entire period the ON-OFF switch is at the ON position. The
ON-OFF switch shall not be regarded as defective on the basis of PILOT Lamp PL 15 not lighting
when replacement of the pilot lamp and/or fuse corrects this deficiency. OFF position. When the ON-OFF switch is at the OFF position, the VOLTAGE
and LEAKAGE Meter shall be effectively by-passed and Pilot Lamp PL 15 shall not be lit. D.C resistances. VOLTAGE and LEAKAGE meter coil resistance. The resistance of the coil of the
VOLTAGE and LEAKAGE meter shall be as specified by Drawing 1402298.
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