| ![]() MIL-T-21369C(OS)
4.6 Periodic sampling tests. After successful completion of the quality conformance inspection
of 4.8, the tests of figure 1 shall be conducted on a random sample of one test set selected by
the Government from each lot of test sets offered for acceptance, unless otherwise specified (see
6.2). Unless otherwise specified in the purchase document, a lot shall be one month's scheduled
production or 25 test sets, whichever is less. When a unit fails to pass any periodic sampLing test
or specified subsequent quality conformance tests, examination of the unit shall be made by the
contractor to analyze the cause of the failure and corrective action to be taken. When cause of the
failure is determined to be supplier nonconformance to the quality conformance test requirements
of this specification or associated drawings, the contractor may be required to screen the lot and
repair or replace the discrepant part or material and resubmit the lot for complete retesting.
4.7 Test equipment The following items of test equipment are required to perform the quality
conformance tests set forth in this specification.
a. Vacuum tube voltmeter, minimum input impedance of 10 megohms,
3 percent accuracy.
b. Electric timer, range 0-10 seconds, accuracy
0.01 second.
c. DC regulated power supply, 1 volt
1 percent.
d. Dry cell, 6-volt, heavy duty.
e. Resistor, O.1-megohm, accuracy
10 percent, 2 Watt.
f. Resistor, 5.O-megohm
1 percent.
g. Resistor, 50.0-megohm
1 percent.
h. Ammeter, O - 100 amperes DC, accuracy
1 percent.
i. Precision ohmmeter capable of measuring 0.15 ohm and 0.30 ohm with a
0.1 percent
j. Resistor, 50,000-ohm
10 percent.
Potentiometer, 50,000
20 percent.
0.1 percent.
L Decade resistor, 1,111 ohms total, in steps of 0.1 ohm, accuracy
m. A precision ohmmeter or resistance bridge capable of measuring 10,000 ohms and 0.1
megohm with a
0.1 percent accuracy.
n. A resistance measuring device with a test potential of 500
50 volts D. C., capable of
measuring 500 megohms or more with a
5.0 percent accuracy.
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