| ![]() MIL-T-46385A(MU) Collimation (pre-vibration). - With the unit positioned as
outlined in, position the intersecting point of the boresight cross
of the sliding reticle in coincidence with the horizontal reticle line of the
projected reticle. Observe where this point falls with respect to the
vertical limit lines of the projected reticle target. This intersecting
point must fall within the limits of the pip lines to assure conformance
with Record this position. When this coincidence has been
established, sight through the telescope and observe where the left and right
zero range lines fall with respect to the projected target line. Both
extreme zero range lines must coincide to this target line within the limit
of the tolerance lines located above and below this projected target line to
assure conformance with Record this position. Also observe where
the vertical line of the HEX M482 scale falls with respect to the corresponding
target line. This vertical reticle line must coincide with the limits of
projected reticle tolerance lines to assure conformance with Record
tis position. By means of the range knob, raise the horizontal line of the
boresight cross to coincide with extreme right zero range line and observe
where the opposite end of this horizontal line falls with respect to the
extreme left zero range line. They must coincide within the limits of Use one half the space of the tolerance lines used when determining
the location of the extreme zero range line. Record this position. Vibration. - This test shall be performed using devices the
accuracy of which shall be equal or exceed the accuracy depicted on Drawings
F7560085 and F8295974. The test is to be performed as outlined in Procedure
V of MIL-F-13926, the frequency and duration shall be as outlined
in 3.5. At the conclusion of the test, the unit under test shall be subject
to a visual and tactile examination and shall be subjected to the following
test to determine conformance with 3.5. Cleanliness. - The unit under test shall be subjected to the
test procedures outlined in MIL-O-13830 for conformance to the requirements
outlined in 3.6. Post-vibration. - Reassemble the unit to the final test fixture
and repeat the test procedure outlined in The unit under test
shall not have moved from the previously recorded settings for those require-
ments outlined in and Eyepiece focus. - This test is to be accomplished by placing a
white background in front of the telescope's window. Eyepiece focus is to
be measured using a 3 power dioptometer conforming to the accuracies depicted
on Drawing 7680632. Adjust the dioptometer eyepiece assembly to the dioptometer's
optical axis. Next direct the dioptometer's line of sight toward a 500 feet
distant target such as a smoke stack, edge of a building, or some other well
defined target image. Adjust the objective assembly until parallax is
removed. Parallax is defined as any apparent movement between the reticle
and target image when the head is moved from side to side or up and down.
Set zero diopters on the eyepiece of the unit under test and align the
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