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alignment of the Combination of cast iron and q eeL
Drill constructed of
a combination of
die shall be maintaine d to prevent shift or
cast iron and steel are permitted providededd
pushover while under working pressure.
they produce acceptable work. Finish. To insure accuracy and to
in hard- Bushings. Bushings used in these
eliminate soft skin to decarborization
drill jigs shall be made of hardened tool steal
ening, all cavities and guides of the machined
and have a lapped finish.
molding dies and the hob shall have a No.
16 RMS finish or better. Where grinding
3.2...7. . . VII fixtures Grade ..,- B.
--. Aand
. Material Fixtures shall be oon-
structed of suitable machine or iron
castings. Where machine steel is used all
or wearing or bearing surfaces shall be hard-
ened. Where castings are used they shall be
free from defects such as cracks porosity, Material. Drill jigs shall be made of hard
hard spots, gasholes or foreign matter. The
iron castings which shall be of uniform
scale shall not be broken or disturbed where
machine surfaces are not required.
quality and condition free from all defects
such as cracks porosity , hard spots, gasholes Design. Fixtures shall be designed
or foreign in matter. The scale shall not be
to hold,locate and position the piece for
broken or disturbed where machine surfaces
the necessary machining, operations.
are not required. Grade A. These
fixtures shall be Design. Grade A drill jigs shall be
designed to permit machining from multiple
settings by horizontal and/or vertical index-
piece on one cycke of operation. Grade B
ing. The fixture may also be designed as a
. drill jigs will not be required to drill all holes
multiple fixture permitting the same machin-
in one cycle of operaticm will require more
ing operations on several pieces simultane-
than one set up or jig to drill all the required
ously. Class A fixtures shall be automatically
operated. Grade B. These fixtures shall be
Construction. Informing four sides,
designed to permit machining from one or
separate plates. Joining sections shall be flat
more settings. Grade B fixtures shall be
machined or ground surfaces atttached with
manually operated.
socket head screws and located with hard-
ened dowel pins. The dowel pins shall be a
3.2.8 Type VIII patterns Grade A and B.
force at in the through holes and a slide Material. Grade A patterns shall be
fit in the blind_holes. The slide fit of the
made of metal. Aluminum, bronze, cast iron
dowel pins shall not be less than one diameter
or brass may be used, Grade B patterns
or more than two diameters in length. Holes
shall be made of seasoned mahogany.
shall be slightly countersunk to prevent false Design. Grade A and B patterns
bearing on joining surfaces. Supports shall
machining where necessary.
shall be designed to produce more than one
Care shall be exercised to prevent the sup -
Canting in one complete cycle of operation.
Due consideration droll be given to allow-
ports from influencing the jig by setting UP
ances for machining, shrinkage factors, and
undue strain.
proper location of bosses and cereal hales.
alignment of the jig Alignment-. The
shall be maintained to prevent shift during
the drilling operation.
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