| MIL-T-48134A (MU)
5.1.1 Level C. - Test sets shall be packed in accordance
with Specification MIL-STD-1169 and the details specified below. Fifty (50) test sets shall be packed in a Type CF,
Variety SW, Grade 200 fiberboard box of Specification PPP-B-636
complete with individual partitioned cells. A 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 inch
spacer meeting requirements for Class Domestic, Type CF, Variety
DW, Grade 200 shall be inserted on each side of test set to fill
void in cell at end opposite the wire connection terminals. Fil-
lers, as required, shall be added to provide a tight pack. The
box shall be closed by applying two (2) inch wide tape over all
seams with a minimum two (2) inch extension of tape onto the end
panels and corners. Separators and fillers shall be made from
same material as that used for box construction. Tape shall
meet the requirements for Type II Grade B of Specification PPP-
T-45 . Air Shipment. - Each box of test sets, when intended
to be used for air shipment, shall be tested by a Gauss meter to
insure that test sets have been properly arranged within the box
to meet magnetic shielding requirements for air shipment as speci-
fied in MIL-S-4473. Boxes failing to meet the air shipment suita-
bility shall be opened and the test sets rotated and rearranged to
change the magnetic field until the box meets the air shipment
requirements. Alternatively, test sets may be shielded in accord-
ance with the regulations of MIL-S-4473 to meet air shipment re-
5.2 Marking, Level C. - Marking shall be in accordance with
Special caution labels for magnetic item shall be
applied in accordance with Paragraph of MIL-STD-129.
5.3 Shipping. - When component parts from more than one lot
are shipped as a carload, each lot shall be kept separate and the
division between lots clearly indicated.
6.1 Ordering Data. - Procurement documents shall specify the
Title, number and date of this specification.
Data cards. - Data cards shall be prepared for each
lot in accordance with the information specified in Standard MIL-
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