| MIL-T-48134A (MU)
4.4.2 Air Leaks. - Test devices shall be placed in a vacuum
chamber and the pressure reduced to 9.2 pounds per square inch abso-
lute minus 1.0 pound per square inch and held for at least one (1)
minute. Observe each boot and note each one which is not in ex-
panded condition as compared to the normal condition, Release the
vacuum, and with bell cover removed, observe each boot within five
(5) minutes noting each one which is in compressed condition as com-
pared to the normal condition. Any item in which the boot is not in
expanded condition while under vacuum, or is in compressed condition
after release of the vacuum, does not comply with 3.4 and shall be
4,4.3 Functioning. - An external resistance of 200 ohms, plus
10 ohms shall be connected across the terminals of the test set.
The test set shall be functioned by depressing the handle fully and
observing the indicator lamp for compliance with tile applicable re-
quirement (see 3,5,1). The test shall be repeated with an external
resistance of 300 ohms, minus 10 ohms connected across the test set
The test shall be functioned and the lamp observed for
compliance with the applicable requirement (see 3.5.2).
4.4.4 Energy Output. - The test assembly, with a 2.5 ohm,
plus or minus one percent resistor placed in parallel shall be
connected to an oscilloscope. The test shall be functioned by
depressing the handle fully and observing the pulse on the oscil-
loscope for compliance with the applicable requirement.
4,4,5 Hardness of Cap. - The cap shall be tested for hard-
ness as specified in Federal Standard No. 151, Method 243.
4.4.6 Hardness of Housing. - The housing shall be tested for
hardness as specified in Federal Standard No. 151, Method 243.
4.4.7 Drop Test. - The test set sample shall be dropped
from a height of 5.0 plus or minus 0.25 feet onto a two (2) inch
thick pine plank laid on a concrete or steel base. The sample
shall be equally divided for dropping in the following orienta-
(a) TOP up, (b) TOP down, (c) End side, (d) Front end,
and (e) Back end. The sample shall be examined for any evidence
of cracking or separation of parts. The test set shall then be
functioned in accordance with 4.4.3 and re-checked for cracks to
determine compliance with 3.7.
5.1 packing
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