| MIL-T-48236 (MU)
5.1 Packing
5.1.1 Level C.-Two hundred (200) test sets shall be packed
in a fiberboard box complete with plain fiberboard pads. A fiber-
board pad shall be placed on the bottom of the box. The test
sets shall be positioned in the box, flat side down, in a 2 by
10 pattern - 20 sets per layer; 10 layers per box. A plain pad
shall be placed between each layer of sets and on the top layer.
Additional pads shall be added as required for a tight pack.
The box shall conform to PPP-B-636 for a Type CF, Class Domestic,
Variety SW, Grade 200. The plain pads shall be constructed of
the same test fiberboard as the box. Box size shall be approx-
imately 10 by 9 3/4 by 17 3/4 inches In depth, inside dimensions.
Pads shall be equal in size to the inside length and width of the
box less 1/16 inch. Boxes shall be closed in conformance to
the requirements of Rule 41 of the Uniform Freight Classification.
5.2 Palletization.-Boxes may be palletized at the shippers
option. Palletization shall conform to MIL-STD-1169 instructions
for Level C shipment.
5.3 Marking.-Marking of boxes and pallet loads shall comply
with MIL-STD-1169 requirements.
5.4 Shipping.-When component parts from more than one lot
are shipped as a carload, each lot shall be kept separate and
the division between lots clearly indicated.
6.1 Ordering data.-Procurement documents shall specify
the following:
a. Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Data cards. - Data cards shall be prepared for each
lot in accordance with the information specified in Standard
c. Provisions for submission of first article samples.
6.2 Inspection code numbers.-The five digit code numbers
assigned to the inspections herein are to facilitate future
data collection and analysis by the Government. They should
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