| ![]() MIL-T-48578(MU) Level travel. - With the deflector level vial reading level
and the laser beam horizontal, rotation of the azimuth knob by 40 mils in
azimuth, in both directions, shall not cause the laser beam to move in
elevation or depression by more than 2 mils from the position established
at zero azimuth. Blacklash. - The boresight movements in azimuth and elevation
shall be capable of meeting this requirement over the full limit of travel
in each direction. Backlash in each boresight movement shall not exceed 1
3.7 Sealing. - The deflector assembly of the Artillery trainer shall
withstand an internal pressure of 5 0.10 pounds per square inch gage
(PSIG) for a minimum of one hour with no evidence of leakage. The deflec-
tor assembly shall then be flushed with dry nitrogen having a dew point at
least as low as -32C (-25F) and resealed at 0.0 0.2 PSIG.
3.8 Targets. - The retroflective targets shall meet all the require-
ment listed on Drawings C11746464, F11746475, and E11746460.
3.9 Frame assembly. - The frame assembly (retroflective targets)
shall meet all requirements listed on Drawings C11746509 and F11746502.
3.10 Deflection tables. - The deflection tables shall meet all the
requirements listed on Drawings 11747153, 11747154, 11747155 and 11747156.
3.11 Mount assembly. - The mount assembly shall meet all the require-
ments listed on Drawings D11747146 and F11747147.
3.12 Multi-purpose carrying case. - The multi-prpose case shall
meet all the requirements listed on Drawing F11747158.
3.13 Distribution box. - The distribution box shall meet all the
requirements listed on Drawing F11746450.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the perfor-
mance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as other-
wise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any other
facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements
specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government
reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in-the
specification where such inspection are deemed necessary to assure supplies
and services conform to prescribed requirements.
4.1.1 General provisions. - The component and subassembly inspection
requirements of MIL-F-13926 form a part of the Quality Assurance Provisions
of this specification. Definitions of inspection terms shall be as listed
in MIL-STD-109.
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