| MIL-T-48621A (AR)
3.3.11 Humidity (non-o perating)
The Noise Tester shall be
capable of withstanding the humidity test requirements defined in M I L -
STD-81O, Method 507, Procedure IV, as modified in MIL-T-28800,
paragraph, (a) through (g), without being damaged or
adversely affected. Subsequent to the humidity test and removal of
excess moisture, the Noise Tester shall not have been damaged or
`adversely affected and shall meet all reguirements of 3.3.2.
3.3.12 Fungus resistance. The Noise Tester shall be capable of
withstanding the fungus test of MIL-STD-81O, Method 508, Procedure I
(28 days), as modified in MIL-T-28800, paragraph 3.9.7. Subse-
quent to the fungus test, the Noise Tester shall not have been damaged
or adversely affected and shall meet all requirements of 3.3.2.
3.3013 Bench handling. The Noise Tester shall be capable of
handling test requirements as defined in MIL-
STD-810, Method 516, Procedure V, without being damaged or adversely
Subsequent to the bench handling test, the Noise Tester
shall not have been damaged or adversely affected, and shall meet all
requirements of 3.3.2.
3.3.14 EMI/RFI. The Noise Tester shall be capable of with-
standing the EMI/RFI test requirements as defined in MIL-STD-461,
CE03, CSO1, CS02, RE02, and RS03 except the upper limit of RS03 shall
be .1 V/M, because the system Is deployed in the AN/TSM-115 shelter
which is shielded inclosure.
3.4 Electrical. Each conductor shall be electrically continuous
as specified on he schematic diagram of the noise tester.
3.5 Performance.
3.5.1 Warm-up. An initial warm-up period of ten to fifteen
minutes shall occur prior to the commencement of any performance
testing unless otherwise specified.
3.5.2 Primary input power. The noise tester shall be capable of
meeting all requirements of the specification with +24 + 6 Vdc primary
input power (maximum input current 0.6 amp).
a. The following requirements shall be met with the power
supply cable W204 connected between a +24 + 6 Vdc at 0.6A power source
and the front panel voltage input connector marked +24 Vdc input.
With MODE switch set to INTL TEST and the OPER/TEST switch
set to either +12 VA or +12 VB, the meter (Ml) shall remain at center
position (i.e., within the limits defined by the black band), over an
input voltage range of +18 to +30 Vdc at 0.6 ampere, as measured at
the +24 Vdc test points on the front panel.
Pilot lamp DS1 shall remain illuminated at a constant
intensity over the full range of input operating voltage (+24 + 6 Vdc
at 0.6A].
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