| ![]() MIL-T-48621A (AR)
Acquisition documents must
Acquisition requirements.
specify the following:
Title, number and date Of this specification.
Applicable stock number..
First article sample requirements.
Packaging requirements, if other than specified in
Section 5.
Serialization requirements, if applicable.
Certificate of conformance for each lot or shipment of
Issue of DODISS to be cited in the solicitation, and if
required, the specific issue of Individual d ocuments
referenced (see 2.1.1).
6.3 Submission of contract inspection equipmen t desiqns for
PP roval. SUbmit tWO copies Of d esigns as required to: Conunander,
U.S. ARmy AMCCOM, Attn: AMSMC-QAF-I(D), Picatinny Arsenal, NJ
07806-5000. This address will be specified on the Contract Data
Requirements List, DD Form 1423 in the contract.
6.4 Drawlnqs.
Drawings listed in Section 2 of this speci-
fication under the heading U.S. Army Armament Research, Development
and Engineering Center (ARDEC), may also Include drawings prepared
by, and identified as, U.S/\. Army Armament Research and Development
Command (ARRADCOM ), Frankford Arsenal, Rock Island Arsenal or
Picatinny Arsenal drawings. Technical data originally prepared by
these activities is now under cognizance of ARDEC.
6.5 Subject term (key word) listinq.
Fire Control System
FM sideband noise power
Radar Set AWVPS-2
Radar System Tester AN/VPM-2
Radar Test Set AN/TPM-22
Receiver-Transmitter, RT-860/VPS-2
vulcan Air Defense System (VADS)
6.6 Changes from Previous issue. Asterisks (or vertical
lines) are not used in this revision to identify changes with
respect to the previous Issue due to the extensiveness of the
changes .
Preparing activity:
(Project 1290 -A418 )
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