| ![]() MIL-T-50009A
3.7 Moisture sensitivity. The thickener
4.4.2 Sampling.
shall have a moisture sensitivity of not less
than 0.6 when tested as specified in 4.5.6. Nondestructive examination. Sam-
pling shall be conducted in accordance with
Standard MIL-STD-105.
3.8 Apparent density. The thickener shall
have an apparent density of not less than For test. A sample shall be taken
0.45 g per milliliter (ml) when tested as
from each lot, the size to be calculated on
specified in 4.5.7,
the basis of one-tenth of the square root of
the number of containers in the lot raised to
the next higher whole number. If there are
fewer than three containers in a lot, each
4.1 The supplier is responsible for the per-
container shall be sampled. In all other cases,
formance of all inspection requirements as
no fewer than three containers shall be se-
specified herein. Except as otherwise speci-
lected. A one-pound specimen shall be re-
fied, the supplier may utilize his own or any
moved from each container in the sample and
other inspection facilities and services ac-
placed in a clean, dry container labeled to
ceptable to the Government. Inspection rec-
identify the lot and the container from which
ords of the examination and tests shall be
was taken. A composite specimen shall be
kept complete and available to the Govern-
made with equal portions from each speci-
ment as specified in the contract or order.
men except one, and the composite and the
The Government reserves the right to per-
individual specimen shall be tested as speci-
form any of the inspections set forth in the
fied in 4.5. Where there are only 1 or 2 speci-
s p e c i f i c a t i o n where such inspections are
mens, each one shall be tested.
deemed necessary to assure supplies and ser-
vices conform to prescribed requirements.
4.4.3 Examination. Sample containers of
thickener shall be examined for level A prep-
4.2 Objective evidence. The supplier shall
aration for delivery requirements in accord-
present objective evidence, as required by the
ance with the classification of defects and
Government representative, that all require-
with Standard MIL-STD-105.
ments of sections 3 and 5 have been met
(see 6.5).
4.4.4 Classification of defects.
4.3 Alternative inspection (including test- Preparation for delivery (sec. 5).
ing) procedures. The supplier may utilize any
alternative inspection procedure which will
assure equal or better quality by submitting
None defined.
a written proposal with justification and ob-
AQL 2.5 percent defective.
taining written approval from the Govern-
Bags, wooden or metal containers
ment prior to its institution. In case of dis-
pute, the procedures of this specification shall
Metal container treatment and paint-
ing incorrect.
Metal container interior coating miss-
ing or improperly applied.
4.4 Inspection provisions.
Bags, wooden or metal containers
damaged, leaking, or broken.
4.4.1 Lotting. A lot shall consist of a batch
Quantity packaged per bag or metal
container incorrect.
of the thickener produced by one manufac-
Quantity packed per wooden or metal
turer, from the same materials and under
container incorrect,
essentially the same manufacturing condi-
Slotted partitions or pads missing
tions (see 6.6).
where required.
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