| ![]() MIL-T-52932D
3.6.9 Lowering speed. Speed of lowering of unloaded forks shall not be
less than 40 feet per minute (12.19 meters per minute) over the entire
distance from maximum fork height to ground level. Speed of lowering forks
with capacity load shall be not more than 80 feet per minute (24.38 meters per
minute) over the entire distance from maximum fork height to ground level.
3.6.10 Right angle turn. Trucks, when carrying capacity load, shall be
capable of backing through a turn in either direction and returning to We
same or parallel position within dimension specified on the applicable
specification sheet, when operated as specified herein.
3.6.11 Slope ascension. forward direction. Trucks shall be capable of
ascending a 20 percent grade on asphalt, concrete or equivalent surface with
and without capacity load. Trucks shall be able to accelerate from a dead
stop on this slope when carrying capacity load.
3.6.12 Underclearance. The truck with capacity load shall have sufficient
underclearance to permit operation from one horizontal plane to another up or
down a 20 percent slope and over the obstacle course described in Test Method
No. 1. Minimum underclearance beneath the mast assembly, when in true
vertical position, shall be not less than that specified on the applicable
specification sheet when the truck is loaded. Hydraulic fittings, hoses,
tubing, and mechanical linkages shall not be the lowest portion of the truck
or shall be protected by removable structural plates from striking obstacles.
3.6.13 Stability, The truck shall conform to "forward stacking", "forward
travel", ";atera; staching", and "lateral travel" stability requirements of
3.6.14 Travel speed. While carrying the capacity load on a level surface,
trucks shall be capable of attaining speeds specified on the applicable
specification sheet in both the forward and reverse directions.
3.6.15 Accerleration. From a standing start, the truck when carrying
capacity load shall have an acceleration in the forward direction such as to
negotiate the specified distance in not more than the designated time as
specified on the applicable specification sheet.
3.6.16 Endurance. The truck shall be capable of completing 280 hours of
endurance testing on a course as specified in When specified (see
6.2), the number of hours of endurance shall be 24 hours conducted
continuously, nonstop, except for refueling. The average cycle timing shall not
exceed the values listed in the applicable specification sheets.
3.7 Safety. The trucks shall conform to the applicable requirements of
ANSI B56.1, and UL 558, and CFR Title 29 Part 191(3 in effect at the time of
manufacture and other requirements specified herein. Unless otherwise
specified, trucks shall be type GS, type DS, or type LPS (see 6.2).
Individual trucks shall be labeled with safety rating. Safety rating markings
shall be in accordance with UL 558.
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