| ![]() MIL-T-52932D
3.7.1 Safety certicication. The truck shall bear U.L. stamp of approval as
specified. In addition, the contractor shall submit to the contracting
officer or authorized representative satisfactory evidence that the truck
furnished under this specification meet or exceed the requirements of 3.7.
Acceptable evidence of meeting these requirements shall be certified test
reports from recognized independent testing laboratories acceptable to the
Government, indicating that the truck conforms to the requirements of 3.7.
Also, the truck shall be furnished with a safety nameplate specified here in
(see 3.26).
3.8 Human factors engineering.
The truck shall be operable and
maintainable by 5th percentile female through 95th percentile male operators,
in accordance with SAE J154 and SAE J833, who are wearing cold weather
clothing, or when specified (see 6.2) wearing NBC protective gear (see 3.8.1).
3.8.1 Nuclear- biological - chemical (NBC) operability. When specified
(see 6.2), the truck shall be operable by personnel wearing the following
complete protection ensemble:
Mask, chemical biological, Field M17a, MIL-M-51282.
Hood, chemical biological, mask M6a2, MIL-H-51291.
Suite, chemical protective, MIL-S-43926.
Glove and glove set, chemical protective, MIL-G-43976.
Footwear cover, chemical protective (overbooks), MIL-F-43987.
The operator shall be capable of actuating all controls (i.e., levers,
switches, PEDALS, knobs, and handles) without interference caused by the
ensemble that is detrimental to the operation of the truck. The truck shall
complete two cycles in 7 minutes or less on the truck operator's course (test
method 1). The protective ensemble as listed above, will be furnished as
Government loaned equipment (GFE) to the contractor in order to permit
performance of the test.
3.9 Maintainability. Provision shall be made for adjustment, servicing,
and replacement of all electrical assemblies and components, hydraulic system
components, battery, wearing parts of lift and tilt mechanism brakes and
components, wear parts of steering assembly, tires, wheels, lights, and horn.
If hand access openings are required to perform maintenances, the edges of each
opening shall be smooth and the opening shall be provided with a removable or
hinged cover. Dimensions of access openings shall be in accordance with
SAE J925 for mittened hand. There shall be no interference with the servicing
or drawing of oils and lubricants to or from any assembly or component by
frame members or other obstructions. Oil and lubricants shall be capable of
being drained into a suitable container without requiring the use of flexible
connections. All drains shall provide for complete drainage. Engine,
transmission and hydraulic system, steering system and service brakes shall be
furnished with dipsticks in accordance with SAE J614. In lieu of dipstick to
check service brake and hydraulic system fluid levels, visual inspection is
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