| ![]() MIL-T-52932D
4.8.3 Servicing and adjustment. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2),
prior to delivery, the manufacturer shall service and adjust eact truck for
customer operational use, including at least the following:
Adjustment of mast assembly.
Adjustment of engine, transmission, and power train.
Adjustment of brake system.
Adjustment of steering.
Continuity check of the electrical system, including filling and
charging of battery unless otherwise specified in the preservation
and packing requirement.
check torque on all wheel lug nuts and proper inflation of tires.
Service the cooling system with an antifreeze water solution, 50-50
percent by volume.
Check fluid levels and fill to required level if necessary.
4.9 Inspection comparison. The Government may select trucks at any time
during the contract production period and subject the trucks to the
examination specified in column 1 of table III and to the tests specified in
column 1 of table IV to determine conformance to the requirements of this
specification. The inspection will be performed by the Government, at a site
selected by the Government, on units selected at random from those which have
been accepted by the Government and will not include the previously inspected
first article trucks. In addition to any test specified as part of the
inspection comparison, the Government reserves the right to conduct any and
all other tests contained in this specification as part of the inspection
comparison, and failure of such additional tests shall have the same effect as
failure of those tests specified as inspection comparison.
4.9.1 Inspection failure. Failure of an inspection comparison truck to
meet any requirement specified herein during and as a result of the
examination and tests specified in 4.7 shall be cause for rejection of the
inspection comparison truck(s) and shall be cause for refusal by the
Government to continue acceptance of production trucks until evidence has been
provided by the contractor that corrective action has been taken to eliminate
the deficiencies. Correction of such deficiencies shall be accomplished by
the contractor at no cost to the Government on trucks previously accepted and
produced under the contract. Any deficiencies found as a result of the
inspection comparison will be considered prima facie evidence that all trucks
accepted prior to the completion of inspection comparison are similarly
deficient unless evidence to the contrary is furnished by the contractor and
such evidence is acceptable to the contracting officer.
4.10 Inspection of packaging. The preservation, packing and marking of
each truck shall be inspected as specified in appendix B of MIL-STD-162.
5.1 Presentation, packing, and marking. Each complete truck shall be
preserved, packed and marked in accordance with MIL-STD-162 for type I mobile
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