| MIL-T-5578C
4.4.1 Individual tests. Each fuel cell shall
complete full-scale fuel tanks, or portions there-
be subjected to the following tests as described
of, submit ted for approval as satisfactory tanks
under 4.6.1:
for a particular aircraft installation. Phase II test samples. Phase II test
Examination --------------------- (
Workmanship --------------------- (]
samples shall consist of one or more complete
Dimentions -------------------- (
full-scale fuel tanks or portions thereof and the
Weight -------------------------- (
supporting structure or jig, or both, equipped
4.4.2 Sampling plans and tests.
with all applicable fuel-cell components. The Capacity check samples. Each of
tank or tanks shall be of the same materials and
the first 10 production cells shall be checked for
construction as used in the cell submitted for
capacity in accordance with 4.6.7. An average
phase I tests, and shall be designed to fit in a
head-versus-volume curve shall be constructed
particular location in a specific aircraft. Excep-
from these tests.
tions to the above shall comprise those cells Stand test samples. Cells selected
which, because of the particular aircraft design,
at random from part numbers specified by the
require the use of graduated wall thickness and
contractor and the procuring activity, in accord-
weight, and any other exceptions specifically
ance with the following schedule, shall be sub-
authorized by the procuring activity.
jected to the stand test described in 4.6.2. In Phase II tests. Phase H preproduc-
the event that more than one part number is
tion tests shall consist of the following tests de-
selected for sampling, the tests shall be con-
scribed under 4.6 and shall be conducted in the
ducted on an alternating basis.
order listed:
Number of units produced
Number of samples
---------------------- - (4.6.1)
1 ------------ 0-50.
Installation ------------------------ (4.6.6)
1 ------------ 1 every 90 days or 1 out of each
Capacity --------------------------- (4.6.7)
additional 500 cells, whichever
Pressure ---------------------------- (4.6.8)
occurs first.
Slosh or slosh and vibration re-
sistance --------------------------- (4.6.9)
The samples specified above shall be selected
(f) Aging and low temperature leak age-- (4.6.10)
from all cells produced at a particular plant for
(g] Accelerated load resistance --------- (4.6.11)
a specific a aircraft and approved under the same
(h) Gunfire resistance on tank installa-
preproduction test and identified with the man-
tion -------------------------------- (4.6.12)
ufacturer's same construction number. The
4.3.3 Reports of tests.
random samples selected shall be representative Phase I.
of cells submitted by the manufacturer for ac- Preproduction approval. Phase I
ceptance with respect to quality of workman-
test reports shall be in accordance with MIL-T-
ship and the number and type of repairs.
9107. These reports shell be signed or approved Dissection teat samples. Cells se-
by a responsible representative of the manufac-
lected at random from part numbers specified
turer or the laboratory in which the tests are
by the contractor and the procuring activity,
in accordance with the following schedule, shall Preemptive approval. (See
be dissected its ShOwn in figure 2, and subjected
to the dissection test of 4.6.3. Phase II. Phase II test reports shall
Number of units produced
of samples
be prepared in accordance with MIL-T-9107.
2 ----------- 0-50.
At least 1 month prior to the initiation of phase
1 ------- ---- One out of each additional 90 days'
II testing, a schedule shall be supplied to the
production, or one out of each ad-
procuring activity indicating the anticipated
ditional 50 units produced, which-
start and finish dates of all tests.
ever occurs latest. However, the
maximum time between tests
4.4 Quality conformance tests. Quality
shall not exceed 180 days.
conformance tests shall consist of:
The samples specified above shall be selected
(a) Individual tests--- ------- ------- -- (4.4.1)
from rolls produced at a particular plant for a
(b) Sampling plans and tests------------ (4.4.2)
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