| ![]() MIL-T-5578C
specific aircraft and approved under the same
4.6 Test methods.
preproduction test and identified with the manu-
4.6.1 Inspection.
facturer's same construction number. The ran- Examination. Each fuel cell shall
dom samples selected shall be representative of
be carefully examined to determine conform-
cells submitted by the manufacturer for accept-
ance with all the requirements of this specifica-
ance with respect to quality of workmanship
tion for which no specific tests are described and
and the number and type of repairs.
to determine conformance with the manufac- Inspection standards. When one item
turer's material and fabrication specifications.
selected from production fails to meet this spec- Workmanship. The fuel cells shall
ification, action shall be taken in accordance
be inspected to determine conformance to the
with Bulletin No. 112.
acceptable standards listed in Bulletin No. 112.
4.5 Test conditions. In addition to the test Dimensions. A check shall be made
conditions set forth in specific tests, the condi-
on each cell to insure that all dimensions critical
tions specified herein shall apply.
to the installation are within the dimensional
4.5.1 Test fluid. Test fluid shall be in ac-
tolerances established by the contractor or pro-
cordance with MIL-S-3136.
curing activity. The tolerances specified for Type I fluid shall be MIL-S-3136,
this test shall not conflict with the capacity re-
type I
quirements specified in 3.5.1. Type III fluid shall be MIL-S-3136, Weight. Each cell shall be weighed
type III.
to determine compliance with the tolerance on
4.5.2 Temperate tolerances. Unless other-
wise specified, the following temperature tol-
weight. (See 3.8.)
4.6.2 Stand. Class A cells only shall be col-
erances shall be maintained:
lapsed and held strapped for 30 minutes in a
Specified temperature
position comparable to that encountered prior
Above 100 F-------------------------- + 100 F
Below 100 F------------------------- + 5 F
to installation in its respective aircraft cavity,
then released, and adequately supported. Both
4.5.3 Tank mounting structure. The tank
class A and class B cells shall be filled with
mounting structure shall correspond as closely
type III fluid. During the filling process the
as practicable with respect to shape, dimensions,
capacity test (4.6.7) shall be conducted to deter-
and material to the tank supporting structure in
mine conformance with 3.5.2. Cells shall then
the vehicle. The necessary stops, cushions,
be tested in accordance with the following time
pads, and hangers identical with those used in
the finished vehicle, for mounting and support-
ing the tank shall be provided. The test tank
(a) First cell selected ------------------ 90 days
(b) Second cell ------------------------ 30 days
shall be mounted in the test structure in a man-
(c) Third cell------------------------ - 30 days
ner which duplicates the actual installation. In
This time cycle shall be repent.ed for additional
addition, all lines attached to the tank in the
walls chosen in accordance with for the
actual installation shall be included. The
duration of the contract. Upon completion of
length and configuration of these lines shall be
the test, and at the intermediate inspections, the
the same as in the actual installation, from the
cells shall be carefully examined for any evi-
tank to the first support.
dence of failure. After the examination, if
4.5.4 Tank support jig. The support jig
faulty performance is indicated, the cell shall be
shall be suitable for carrying the mounted sam-
dissected as shown in figure 2 and inspected for
ple tank and designed for bolting to the vibrator
and rocker assembly. The jig framework shall
evidence of failure. In the event of failure of
this test, the procuring activity and the con-
be sufficiently rigid to prevent the possibility of
tractor shall be notified. Bulletin No. 107 shall
unrealistic stresses being imposed on the
mounted tank.
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