| ![]() MIL-T-5578C
4.6.3 Dissection. The sectioned portion of
tensile strength shall not be reduced more than
each cell selected in shall be examined
20 percent calculated on the basis of the original
for conditions outlined in Bulletin No. 107.
cross sectional area.
In the event, of failure on this test, the procuring Permeability. Preparation of test specimens. The
activity and contractor shall be notified imme-
uncured inner liner shall be applied to a 10- by
10-inch piece of corrugated fiberboard coated
4.6.4 Inner-layer ply. Samples of the inner-
on one side with a suitable water-soluble break-
layer ply of constructions intended for protec-
away agent, The exposed surface of the inner
tion levels (A) and (B) and of the self-sealing
liner shall be coated with prime cement and
portions of constructions intended for protec-
barrier resin (if required) that conform to
tion levels (C) and (D) shall be subjected to
manufacturer's specifications. The assembly
the following tests.
shall then be wrapped with cellophane and Fuel contamination. A 5-gram samp-
covered with a suitable waterproof bag. The
le of the inner-layer ply, without barrier, shall
assembly shall be vulcanized by the method used
be diced into approximately l/16-inch squares
in regular production. After vulcanization,
and placed in a flask containing 250 ml of type
the waterproof bag and cellophane shall be re-
III fluid, and allowed to stand for 48 hours at
moved. The inner liner shall then be removed
77 F. The contaminated test fluid shall be
from the fiberboard, using water if necessary.
decanted off and the gum residue determined
The free moisture shall then be wiped from the
by Method 3302 of Federal Test Method Stand-
assembly, and the assembly shall be conditioned
ard No. 791, except that the time of evaporation
for 24 hours at a temperature of 77 F and a
shall be 45 minutes. After cooling, the test
relative humidity of 40 percent + 5 percent.
beakers shall be weighed and the gum content
After the conditioning, two disks 2.5 inches in
determined. The beakers shall be then placed
diameter shall be cut from the vulcanized panel.
in an appropriate bath and maintained at 572
One hundred milliliters of type III fluid shall
F for 30 minutes. After cooling to room tem-
be placed in a cup conforming to figure 3. A
perature in a closed container, the beaker shall
nylon solution of 10 percent of type FM6001 or
be weighed and the stoved gums determined.
FM6501 nylon in 2B alcohol, maintained at 120
The necessary correction for preformed gums
in the test fluid shall be made in each case. The
F, shall be applied to the face of the cup flange
fluid contamination shall be not greater than 60
as specified on figure 3. When the nylon solu-
milligrams per 100 millileters of contaminated
tion is almost dry, the test disk shall be applied
fluid and, upon stoving, shall be not greater
to the cup with the barrier, if any, facing out-
than 20 milligrams per 100 milliliters of con-
ward. The assembly shall be completed by at-
taminated fluid.
taching the bolting ring shown on figure 3 and Inner liner strength. The tensile
tightening the bolts in accordance with the
strength of the inner-layer ply, without barrier,
shall be determined in accordance with Federal
Bolt torque in
Innerliner tvpe
Test Method Standard No. 601, Method 4111,
Gum stocks ----------------------- 5 to 10
before and after immersion in water for 72
Coated fabrics---------------------- 15 to 20
hours at a temperature of 135 + 3 F. The
Unsupported plastic films ------------------20 to 25
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