| ![]() MIL-T-5578C
In cases where the adhesion of the seam is less Conduct of test. The cups, pre-
than the strength of the material, the adhesion
pared as specified in the preceding paragraph,
shall be a minimum of 6 pounds per inch.
shall be placed in a suitable rack and main-
o Slit resistance. A section of the com-
tained at a temperature of 77 F and a relative
posite cell construction sample shall be selected.
humidity of 40 percent + 5 percent for a l-hour
equilibration period. The cup shall be weighed
A slit of the inner layer ply, 1 inch long to the
to the nearest 0.005 gram and placed in the rack
depth of the sealant, shall be cut parallel to the
with the face of the-cup facing upward. The
calender grain, if present, or to the direction of
minimum tear resistance. The test section shall
cup shall be maintained at a temperature of
be 5 inches long with width sufficient to clamp
77 + 5 F and a relative humidity of 40 per-
in a vise, with the jaws of vise 1 inch from the
cent + 5 percent for a 24-hour period. The cup
slit when the test section is bent 180 degrees.
shall then be weighed to check for the integrity
of the seal. The bolts shall be retorqued if
The slit shall be parallel to vise jaws and on the
outside of the bend. The sample shall be held
necessary. The cup shall be inverted (test disk
in this folded condition for 1 hour and the in-
down) in a rack that permits free access of air
crease in length of the slit noted. The slit shall
to the test disk. The cups shall be weighed at
not increase more than 0.25 inch.
the end of the third, fifth, and eighth day after Innerliner adhesion. The adhesion
inverting. Defective films or leaks resulting
of the inner-layer ply to the sealant shall be
from faulty assembly will usually be found
tested by the strip back method, using a jaw
when weighing on the third day. The diffusion
separation rate of 2 inches per minute in accord-
rate calculation shall be made on the fifth to the
ance with Federal Test Method Standard No.
eighth day period and expressed as fluid ounces
601, Method 8011. The adhesion shall be a min-
per square foot per 24 hours. The permeability
imum of 6 pounds per inch.
shall be less than 0.025 fluid ounce per square Stress aging. Ten samples of the
foot per 24 hours.
inner-layer ply 4 inches square shall be double
folded with the point of double fold located
Diffusion expressed in fluid ounces per
in the center of the sample. The material shall
square foot per 24 hours equals the
be held in the folded position by means of a
gram loss of the test specimen per 46
spring clip, or equivalent, located 0.5 inch from
the double folded edge. Folded samples shall
hours multiplied by a factor K which
be soaked in type III fluid, for 7 days at 160
is defined as follows:
F, and air dried for 7 days at 160 F. There
shall be no evidence of blistering, cracking, sep-
aration, or other material failure.
4.6.5 Cells. The sample phase I cells shall
Where: Sp Gr=specific gravity of test fluid
be subjected to the tests described in the follow-
at 77 F
ing paragraphs.
R=inside radius of the test cup in inches Fuel resistance of exterior surfaces. Seam adhesion. The seam adhesion
The cells shall be placed in a container suffi-
of the inner layer ply to itself before and after
ciently large to permit immersion of the bottom
immersion in type III fluid for 72 hours at a
half of the cell in type III fluid. The cells shall
temperature of 135 F shall be tested within 4
be immersed for 24 hours at the ambient tem-
hours along the length of the seam by the strip-
perature. The cells shall then be removed and
back method, using a jaw separation rate of 2
examined for swelling, separation, blisters, pin-
inches per minute in accordance with Federal
holes dissolution, or other evidence of deter-
Test Method Standard No. 601, Method 8011.
ioration. The exterior surface of the cell con-
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