| ![]() MIL-T-5578C
struction shall show no unsatisfactory swelling,
maintained at -40 F for a minimum of 4
separation, blistering, dissolution, or other
deterioration. Normal temperature gunfire. The Slosh resistance. The phase I cell
second cell shall be filled three-quarters full of
shall be tested for slosh resistance by mounting
type I fluid. The temperature of the fluid at
on a suitable rocker assembly and rocking the
the time of the test shall be 50 to 100 F.
cell through an angle of 15 degrees on each side Evaluation. The following points
of the level position (total 30 degrees) at a rate
shall be considered in determining the accept-
of l8 + 2 cycles per minute for a period of 25
able performance of the fuel cell:
hours with the cell two-thirds full of type III
(a) Quantity of fuel leakage.
fluid. Cells that are non-self-supporting shall
(b) Time required to effect a damp seal.
be installed in a test structure in accordance
In general, wounds shall seal within 2
with figure 1. The fluid shall be maintained
minutes at ambient temperature and
at a temperature of 110 F throughout the test.
within 4 minutes at -40 F.
The time for the temperature rise to 110 F
(c) Integrity of inner layer ply, seams, and
from the ambient temperature shall not exceed
joints. (Cracking of the inner liner
2 hours. There shall be no evidence of leakage
will be permitted under the low tem-
or failure of any kind during or as a result of
perature test of
this test.
(d) Integrity of fittings. Gunfire resistance on phase I cells.
(e) Deformation. Test setup. Class A calls shall be
(f) Support for sealant throughout the
installed in the metal structure shown in figure
1. Class B cells shall be tested without auxiliary
(g) Healing, knitting, or breaching over
the gunfire wound.
support. The temperature shall be measured
(h) Resistance of non-self-sealing mate-
by a thermometer or thermocouple immersed
rials to tearing, and integrity Of transi-
in the fluid. Test cells for protection levels (A)
tion seam (protection levels (C) and
and (C) shall be mounted 75 feet from the gun.
Cells for protection levels (B) and (D) shall Shots striking as noted below,
be mounted 50 feet from the gun. All ammuni-
shall not be considered in evaluating the tank.
tion shall be fired into the cell space occupied
(a) Slicing shots wherein a projectile slices
by the fluid. A nonmetallic yaw plate shall be
parallel to the cell wall instead of
used to impart tumbling when required by table
(b) Striking of cell fittings by the Firing schedule. The firing sched-
ule as shown on table I shall be conducted at
(c) Shots where the wounds overlap or run
low temperature on cell No. 1 It shall then be
repeated at normal temperature on cell No. 2.
(d) Shots which strike within 3 inches of Low tempemture gunfire. The
first cell shall be conditioned for gunfire testing
(e) Shots where the projectile remains im-
by filling three-quarters full of type I fluid for
bedded in the construction.
a period of 24 hours. The fluid used in the con-
(f) Shots where metallic fingers project
ditioning shall remain in the cell during the
into wounds, and in a mechanical man-
gunfire test. The conditioning shall be at a
ner prevent the sealant from func-
temperature of 50 to 100 F. The cell shall
then be cooled, and at the time of firing, the
temperature of the fluid and cell shall have been
(g) Shots where coring is present.
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