| ![]() MIL-T-5578C
test described in 4.6.8. The installation test
The pressure test (4.6.8) shall be repeated.
There shall be no evidence of leakage or failure
shall consist of removing and installing the tank
of the fuel tank or the attachment of its com-
in the test structure three times. Applicable
service procedure shall be followed in tank in-
ponents during this test. Fighter, attack, and interceptor air-
stallation and removal. All tank fittings shall
craft. Test of fighter, attack, and interceptor
be fastened to corresponding structure fittings
aircraft preproduction tanks shall be conducted
and interconnect fittings of each installation.
on a vibrator and rocker assembly of a design
The tank shall be in a satisfactory condition on
acceptable to the procuring activity, and shall
the completion of this test.
conform to the following requirements:
4.6.7 Capacity. The cell shall be slowly
(a) Class A tanks or portions thereof,
filled to capacity with type III fluid. The vol-
except those with cells containing suspension
ume in gallons and the head in inches shall be
or supporting arrangements which maybe sub-
recorded at a sufficient number of points during
the filling to construct a head-versus-volume
ject to failure due to vibration, shall be slosh
4.6.8 Pressure. For this test, the tank shall
Test conditions:
Time :25 hours
be mounted in the preproduction slosh test
Rock: Total of 30, approximately 15
structure. All openings in the tank shall be
on either side of the horizontal
sealed during the pressure test. All parts nec-
essary to effect a satisfactory seal at the open-
Cycles per minute: 16 to 20.
ings shall be furnished by the aircraft contrac-
(b) Class A tanks or portions thereof, with
tor. Tanks shall be subjected to a pressure
cells containing suspension or supporting ar-
equivalent to the normal head measured at the
rangements which may be subject to failure due
bottom of the tank multiplied by a factor of 1.5.
to vibration, and class B tanks shall be simulta-
Pressures shall be measured by means of a
neously slosh and vibration tested.
manometer using type III fluid and shall be
Test conditions:
applied in such a manner that the testing pres-
Time: 25 hours.
sure is stabilized. NO change in pressure shall
Rock: Total of 30, approximately 15
occur in the following 15 minutes.
on either side of the horizontal
4.6.9 Slosh or slosh and vibration resistance.
For this test, an actual section of the aircraft
Cycles per minute: 16 to 20.
structure shall be used. All fitting and non-
Displacement: The throw of the two ec-
self-sealing areas in the interior of each fuel cell
centric weights on the vibration ma-
compartment shall be lined with brown paper,
chine shall be in the same direction and
held in place with a suitable adhesive. The test
shall be adjusted to produce a total dis-
specimen shall be slosh or slosh and vibration
placement of 0.032 inch, +0.010 inch,
tested (see and with the tank
-0.000 inch, measured at points of in-
two-thirds full of type III fluid containing a
herent rigidity on the tank.
staining agent at a temperature of 110 F. All
slosh or slosh and vibration resistance tests shall
Type I tanks-90 percent of normal
be conducted with the tank subjected to a pres-
rated crankshaft speed.
sure equivalent to the maximum stabilized vapor
Type II tanks-2,000 + 100 rpm.
pressure encountered in any prescribed stabi-
(c) Remove cell from structure and ex-
lized level flight conditions. The tank shall be
amine for evidence of damage or failure.
mounted in such a manner as to simulate pitch- Types of aircraft other than fighter,
ing in the actual aircraft. Special fixtures, such
attack, and interceptor. Tests of all types of
as baffles, shall also be tested if applicable by
aircraft preproduction tanks other than fighter,
attack, and interceptor type, shall be conducted
mounting the aircraft structure on the rocker in
on a vibration and rocker assembly design
another position for a portion of the test time.
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