| ![]() MIL-T-5578C Fuel aging following gunfire resist-
test (4.6.2) shall be conducted on the third test
ance. After the gunfire resistance test of 4.6.
cell which shall be the same cell subjected to
the slosh resistance test ( The test cell
5.3, the cell shall be emptied and inspected, and
any wounds which failed to seal (but did not
shall be adequately supported, completely filled
with type III fluid and allowed to stand. The
disqualify the cell) shall be plugged and the
cell refilled with type III fluid. After 24 hours
cell shall be carefully examined every 30 days
for any evidence of failure. After 90 days, if
the cell shall be emptied, and the wounds shall
be carefully examined. There shall be no evi-
no evidence of failure is found, the cell will be
dence if deterioration of the inner-layer ply or
considered as satisfactorily conforming to this
test. Stand. For this test, the aircraft, a
4.6.6 Imtallation. For this test, the aircraft
section thereof, or a tank mounting structure in
or a section thereof shall be used. The installa-
accordance with 4.5.3 shall be used. The stand
tion test shall be conducted prior to the pressure
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