| MIL-T-5578C
The same conditions that are cause for rejection
will be no interference with the functional op-
of the phase I test cell shall apply to this test.
eration of the aircraft components. All tanks
shall be tested dynamically.
5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY Carrier-based aircraft. Tanks shall
5.1 Preservation and packaging. Preser-
be tested in the directions of dynamic loadings
vation and packaging shall be level A or level
associated with catapult, flight, and arrested
C, as specified (see 6.2).
landing conditions to a total acceleration in
5.1.1 Level A.
gravitational units equal to the maximum ap-
Unless otherwise Presentation.
plied acceleration for which the aircraft is de-
specified, tapped holes on fuel cell fittings or
signed. The suitability of the tank installation
attachments shall be protected from corrosion
shall be tested for catapult and arrested land-
by the application of a corrosion-preventive
ings with various fuel loads from full down to
compound conforming to MIL-C-6529, type II.
the minimum fuel load specified for a safe land-
Care shall be taken to prevent an excessive
ing. For these tests, the tank shall be oriented
amount of compound from being applied to the
in the normal position for catapult or arrested
fuel cell proper. Paper conforming to MIL-B-
landings, as applicable.
121, grade A, shall be placed over all exposed
4.6.12 Gunfire resistance on tank installa-
tapped holes and sealed with a moisture-resist-
tion. For this test, the tank shall be mounted in
ant tape conforming to PPP-T-60, type I, class
an actual section of the aircraft structure con-
1. In those instances where cover plates are
taining the backing board that will be used in
bolted into their positions, it will not be neces-
the specific application. The tank for this test
sary to use type or grade A paper.
need not include accessories. Purging capabil- Packaging. Unless, otherwise speci-
ities shall be provided to help prevent fires
fied, all openings, fittings, etc., shall be covered
during gunfire test. The tank shall be filled
with waterproof paper conforming to UU-P-
two-thirds full with type I fluid. All gunfire
271, class C-l, and sealed with a moisture-
testing shall be conducted with the tank sub-
resistant tape conforming to PPP-T-60, type
jected to an internal pressure equivalent to the
I, class 1. The cells shall be closed in such a
maximum stabilized vapor pressure encountered
manner as to prevent dust or other foreign mate-
during any prescribed stabilized level fright
rial from entering the cells. One vent hole may
conditions. The tank shall be subjected to the
be left open, at the option of the manufacturer,
gunfire test in accordance with the capacity of
but protected to prevent dust or other foreign
each tank: The number of rounds of .50 caliber
material from collecting in the cells.
AP or .30 caliber AP ammunition to be fired
5.1.2 Level C. Cells shall be preserved and
shall be determined on the basis of one round for
packaged in accordance with the manufacturer's
each 15 gallons of tank capacity up to a maxi-
commercial practice.
mum of 10 rounds. For cells intended for pro-
5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A,
tection levels (C) and (D), at least two rounds
level B, or level C, as specified (see 6.2).
of .50 or .30 caliber, as applicable, shall be fired
5.2.1 Level A. cells preserved and pack-
into the nonself-sealing portion of the cell. For
aged to meet and shall be packed
protection levels (A) and (C), in addition to the
in overseas-type exterior shipping containers
.50 caliber gunfire, one round of 20-millimeter
meeting PPP-B-591, PPP-B-636, PPP-B-585,
PA ammunition shall be fired. For protection
PPP-B-621, or PPP-B-601. As far as prac-
level (C), this round of 20-millimeter PA am-
ticable, exterior shipping containers shall be of
unition shall be placed in the self-sealing por-
uniform shape and size, be of minimum cube
tion of the cell. All shots shall be so placed as
and tare consistent with the protection required,
to be compatible with the aircraft installation
and contain identical quantities. the gross
and the combat utility of the aircraft. Tumbled
weight of each pack shall be limited to 200
.50 caliber AP rounds shall be utilized to simu-
pounds. Containers shall be closed and
late shrapnel. No bursts, shall be fired, and the
strapped in accordance with the applicable con-
test shall be conducted at ambient temperature.
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