| ![]() MIL-T-5578C
tainer specification or appendix thereto. Con-
tainers shall be provided with a case liner
TYPE --,
conforming to MIL-L-10547 and shall be sealed
CLASS -- , S T Y L E
in accordance with the appendix thereto. The
case liner will not be required when the unit,
intermediate, or exterior container" conforms to
Model of aircraft for which cell is intended
class 2 of PPP-B-636 and is sealed at all joints
and location in the aircraft.
and seams, including the manufacturer's joint,
Construction number of the cell.
with tape conforming to PPP-T-60.
5.2.2 Level B. Coils preserved and pack-
6.1 Intended use. Self-sealing fuel tanks
aged to meet and shall be packed
manufactured under this specification are in-
in domestic-type exterior shipping containers
tended for use in aircraft as a means for carry-
meeting PPP-B-591, PPP-B-601, PPP-B-585,
ing aircraft fuel including aromatic constit-
PPP-B-621, PPP-B-636, or PPP-B-640. Ex-
uents under all prescribed operating conditions
terior shipping containers shall be of minimum
and as a means of preventing, under the gunfire
cube and tare consistent with the protection re-
conditions specified herein, an excessive loss of
quired. As far as practicable, exterior shipping
containers shall be of uniform shape and size
6.2 Ordering data. Procurement docu-
and contain identical quantities. The gross
ments should specify the following:
weight of each pack shall be limited to 500
(a) Title, number, and date of this
pounds. Containers shall be closed and strapped
in accordance with the applicable container
(b] Model designation of the aircraft.
specification or appendix thereto. When fiber-
(c) Name of the cell manufacturer.
board containers are used, the fiberboard shall
(d) Part number, type, class, style, and
meet the special requirements table of PPP-B-
protection level of cell desired. (See
636, as applicable.
5.2.3 Level C. Packages which require
(e) Selection of applicable levels of preser-
vation and packaging and packing.
overpacking for acceptance by the carrier shall
be packed in exterior-type shipping containers
(See sec. 5.)
in a manner that will insure safe transporta-
(f) Fuel suitability. (See 3.5.)
tion at the lowest rate to the point of delivery.
6.3 Definitions.
Containers shall meet Uniform Freight Classi-
6.3.1 Manufacturer. For purposes of this
fication Rules or regulations of other common
specification, the term manufacturer refers to
carriers as applicable to the mode of trans-
the manufacturer of the tank.
6.3.2 Contractor. The term contractor re-
5.3 Physical protection. Cushioning,
fers to the prime contractor or airframe manuf-
blocking, bracing, and bolting, as required, shall
be in accordance with JAN-P-100, except that
6.3.3 Supplier. The term supplier as used
for domestic shipments, waterproofing require-
in 2.1 herein, refers to both the manufacturer
ments for cushioning materials and containers
and the contractor.
shall be waived. Drop tests of JAN-P-100 will
6.4 Preproduction testing.
be waived when preservation, packaging, and
6.4.1 Notification of approval or disap-
packing of the item is for immediate use or
when drop tests of MIL-P-116 are applicable. Phase I preproduction tests. In the
5.4 Marking of shipments. Each shipping
case of phase I preproduction tests, written no-
container shall be marked to indicate presence
tification of approval or disapproval will be
of preservation and method of packing. The
given by the applicable procuring activity to
container shall be marked in accordance with
the fuel cell manufacturer.
MIL-STD-129. The following additional in- Phase II preproduction test. In the
formation shall be applied to the container:
case of phase II preproduction tests, notification
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