| ![]() MIL-T-60826B(MU)
3.4.1 Dirt. - Inspection for dirt and foreign particles (classed as
dirt) shall be made from the eye end only in each of the two power posi-
tions. The maximum size of any visible particle, when the reticle is
brought into sharp focus, shall be a reticle line width. The maximum
number of dirt particles appearing within a central field of view of 50
mils diameter shall be four (4). The maximum number of dirt particles
appearing outside this field of view shall be five (5). The mimimum
angular separation between dirt particles shall be 15 mils. Dirt part-
icles smaller than 1/4 reticle line width shall be ignored regardless of
3.4.2 Other defects. - There shall be no evidence of moisture,
grease, fingerprints, condensates, fractures, and adhesive separations
when viewing thru the objective and eye ends of the instrument."
3.5 Sealing. - The telescope shall show no evidence of leakage in
excess of 0.2 pound per square inch gage when subjected to an internal
pressure of 5 0.10 pound per square inch (psig) for a minimum of 2
3.6 Orientation. - With geometric axis of the objective tube
(front tube) in a horizontal plane as established by its spherical mount-
ing surfaces, key at the six o'clock position; the center
of the eyepiece hanger bolt hole shall be positioned 2.822 0.010
inches below the plane of the geometric axis of the objective tube.
3.6.1 Eight power (8x system.) - The requirements of
through inclusive shall be met with the power selector lever
at the 8X position. Collimation. - With a line of sight through the boresight
cross of the missile reticle in coincidence with the geometric axis of
the telescope the following requirements shall be met: Conventional reticle. - The boresight cross of the
conventional reticle shall be 26.6 mils 0.25 mil above the geometric
axis of the telescope and be in coincidence with a plumb line passing
through the geometric axis. Missile reticle. - The boresight collimating square of
the missile reticle shall be set at the 12 o'clock position. Missile reticle movement. - From the position established
in rotation of the vertical boresight knob shall move the line
of sight 5.5 mils in depression and 5.5 mils in elevation; rotation of
the horizontal boresight knob shall move the line of sight 5.5 mils to
the left and 5.5 mils to the right. Conventional reticle movement. - From the position established
in rotation of the vertical boresight knob shall move the line
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