| ![]() MIL-T-60826B(MU)
4.6.16 Reticle illiumination. - The illuminated reticle etchings
(conventional and missile) shall be clearly defined when visually examined
against a darkened background. Should the brightness of a reticle defect
be greater than the brightness of a reticle line, the defect shall be cause
for rejection. Opaque areas shall be free of pinpoint holes, cracks or
chips. The conventional and missile retitles shall conform to the require-
ments of 3.8.1.
4.6.17 Circuitry. - A continuity check of the telescope circuits shall
be made using standard measuring equipment to determine conformance with
the requirements of 3.8.2.
strength. - The telescope shall be tested in
4.6.18 Dielectric
accordance with Method
301 of MIL-STD-202, utilizing standard measuring
equipment to determine
conformance with the requirements of 3.8.3. All
lamps shall be removed
for this test.
4.6.19 Insulation resistance. - Immediately after satisfactorily
withstanding the dielectric strength test, the telescope shall be subjected
to the insulation resistance test in accordance with Method 302, Test
Condition B of MIL-STD-202. Measurements between insulated points and
ground shall be made utilizing standard measuring equipment to determine
conformance with the requirements of 3.8.4. All lamps and ground connec-
tion shall be removed for this test.
5.1 Packaging, packing and marking. - Packaging, packing and marking
shall be in accordance with MIL-P-14232 and Packaging Data Sheet 10556368.
The level of protection shall be as specified in the procurement document.
6.1 Intended use. - The Telescope M127A1 is primarily intended as the
direct fire telescope for the M551 Sheridan Vehicle.
6.2 Ordering data. - Procurement documents should specify the fol-
a. Title, number, and date of this specification.
b. Selection of applicable levels of preservation, packaging
and packing.
c. Applicable packaging data sheet number (see 5.1).
d. Applicable stock number.
e. Provisions for First Article Testing.
Preparing activity:
Army - MU
Army - MU
Project No. 1240-A645
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